All the way here together

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Inspired by the Florida Project. Go watch it it's a masterpiece 🤌🏽

Kinda a shitty story, sorry 🥲

No one's POV

"So how long have you guys known each other, I'm curious." Jimmy asks.

Yn and Ari are in an interview and they need to answer questions about themselves.

"Okay so now we're 22 and 21 so we've known each other for about...16-17 years." Yn answers. "Damn... I remember." Ariana says.

"Okay so how did y'all meet each other. I want the whole story", Jimmy admits.

"Okay, so we met when we were 6 years old. Well, I was 6 and Yn was 5. So actually we didn't grow up rich. We were kinda poor. Well it's a fun story..." Ariana started. "Our moms had us really young, like my mom had me at 16 and Yn's mom at 17. We were living in a motel. Even if we didn't have almost any money, we were living the best life. And we were pretty bad kids."

Flashback, July 19 ,2008

Ariana's POV

"Mom! Can I go play with Yn? We wanna go get ice cream!" I asked. "Okay, but don't go too far!" She agreed. "Okay!"

I run to Yn's room and I knock. "Hey aunty Jules. Can Yn and I go play?" "Yes, but make sure to come back before night!" "Okay, Yn come on!"

We walked around a little bit and asked people to give us some money. "Hey ma'am, can we have 2$ please? We need to buy ice cream." Yn asked. She's always the one asking because she's cuter.

The kind lady gave us even more. She gave us 5$. We took one ice cream and shared it. One lick, then it's her turn. Then it's my turn.

We finished the ice cream and ran all the side to the other motel. It was just across Disney World.

Yn was all behind, and I was faster than her.

"Don't you think we're going too far?" She asked. "No, come on, just don't- don't be a loser." I breathed out. "Don't call me that but okay!"

We arrived at the motel and there was this big staircase. We got all the way up and walked in the center.

"First one the touch the car down here win!" I said before spitting on the floor. She laughed and started spitting too.

We were having fun and I was about to win, when a lady — the owner of the car — started yelling at us.

"Get back down! And clean my car up!" She shouted. We just laughed and started spitting more. "Fuck you bitch!" I screamed. "Yeah, cunt!" Yn screamed too before we began to run away.

We continued running until we were out of breath. "That was so cool! Can we do it again?!" Yn smiled. "Yeah, but tomorrow. Come on or else our moms will be mad."

Real life

"Then a few years later, our moms found jobs and they worked their life out to buy a house together."

"And I remember, it was  two bedroom, little apartment and we were so happy to finally share a room. I think it was at that time that we were beginning to have an interest on acting. And I had a crush on Ari too", Yn admits.

"Yeah, I remember! And we were like always doing sketches or repeating scene from old movies! And also Yn was being bullied at school."

"Well- you don't need to point it out, but yeah." She sighs. "I was being bullied for stupid things. But Ari saved me. She was like my protector." She laughs.

Ariana Greenblatt imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now