Forbidden love .2

272 13 6

BW= Barbie world

RL = real world


The morning after

Yn's POV

Sasha's in the shower right now and I'm waiting for her. Now that I'm thinking about it, she doesn't seem that bad. She has a good humour, a good music taste and she's pretty.

But her attitude can vary sometimes. Like yesterday when we met she was kinda a bitch, then she was so sweet the rest of the night. And when a I woke her up, she was a bitch again. Not a morning person probably.

"Sasha come on! We need to have as much time as possible!" I shout. "Okay, I'm here, I'm here." She says as she walks into my room.

Holy shit. She has only a towel around her body and her hair is wet and clutching to her face and shoulder. I can't stop staring at her.

"Like what you see?" She teases with a smirk on her face. I blush and cover my face. "No- just, just change please. With need to have as much time as possible." "Mhm."

I keep my hands on my eyes and leave the room. She couldn't see that I was blushing like crazy or else it'll be so embarrassing. I mean, I am a lesbo, but I don't have real feelings for her. And she doesn't need to know that.

"Okay, I'm ready!"

I look at her and I blush even more: she was wearing one of my oversized T-shirt with jorts and her hair was put in a messy bun. And on top of that, she had glasses.

"Hum- hum okay. Come on, I know a store where there is real food and after we can go to the city." I announce. She chuckles at my face and take my hand in hers.

"Okay, I'm following you.."

We get out of the house and walk a little bit. Every like 3 minutes a Barbie or a Ken would say hi to me. It seems to catch Sasha's attention.

"Why does everyone keep saying hello to you? Are you famous or something?" She questions. "Well yeah. My Barbie mom is really known here so they know me too. I'm like super respected." I explain. "Ooh, what did she do to be famous?" "Well she's the first person in BW history that married a person from the RW, plus that person is a girl sooo." I explain.

"Mhm, we could be second tho." She smirks. "Girl stop I'm not even a lesbian..." I lie.

"Are you sure about it?" She asks while turning her body to me. She grabs my face with her hands and I keep blushing.

"No- I-I mean I not a le- lesbian", I stutter. She brings her lips closer to mine and looks at me in the eyes. "We'll see about that.." she suspects before taking my hand in hers.

Is she serious? This girl is going to drive me crazy.


"Look we're here!" I exclaim. It was a little restaurant with an old lady working inside. Her name was Charlotte and she is super kind with me.

"Bonjour Yn. Tu as ramener une nouvelle amie?" She greeted. Charlotte is from French and she learned me how to speak it. I'm kinda good at it.

"Bonjour Charlotte. Et oui. Son nom est Sasha."

"Bonjour, oui, oui, baguette, croissant." Sasha says with a smile.

"Girl- stop. So Charlotte, this is Sasha and she's from the RW too. She wants to eat food so here we are." I say.

"Hey, Sasha. It's really nice to have you here. Take a place right here girls. I'm going to bring out the best thing I have in the back."

"Thank you so much." Sasha thanks.

1. "Hi Yn. You brought a new friend?" | 2. "Hi Charlotte. And yes. Her name is Sasha." | 3. Hey! Hi, yes, yes, baguette croissant."

"So, tell me more about you." I propose. "Well I'm 16, I'm a lesbian, I go to high school. And my mom's a doctor. I don't have a dad. I never really liked Barbies growing up. And I-"

"You never liked Barbies? It's like the coolest toy for girly girls." I interrupt.

"Yeah, well not for me. I know that they are trying to spread positivity and all, but I think they're just making girls insecure. Mainly the stereotypical ones. Like blond hair, dream body, no acne, no problems at all. All those little girls wished to have this body and thought that the image of perfection was having all that. I felt bad for them." She explains her point of view.

"Shit...I never really thought about it like that. I mean, we aren't trying to spread that kind of message. I'm sorry you felt that way." I apologize.

"No, worries, I was just saying- never mind." She mumbles.

"Well, this is a Strawberry Shortcake for these two lovers!" Charlotte smiles while putting a small heart shaped cake on the table.

"Hum, actually we're not lovers..." I interrupt. "Y-yeah, just friends..." Sasha adds while looking at the floor.

Did I hurt her feelings?

"Sasha, are you okay? You seem kinda sad." "I'm good, don't worry." "Are you sure? Like you really do look sad-" I insist before she cuts me off.

"I said I was okay?! Why do you keep pushing me?!" She yells. "Oh- I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." I mumble.

"Fucking hell..." she curses under her breath.

This day is going to be so awkward now.


Have nothing to say.

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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