Crush on set.2

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I gasp


Ari💞 - Hey Yn, I'm sure you heard about my interview and I wanna ask do you wanna go on a date me?

Oh.My.God. My crush is asking me out on a date.
It's like the best night of my life.

Time skip morning>>>>

I woke up super excited. I texted Ariana and she was so happy. The date is today night and she's taking me to a nice restaurant.

I prepared everything I needed so that when I come home I won't be in a rush.

I'm so excited!

"Ynnnnn oh my goddddd, you're going on a date with Arianaaaa" Zendaya says loudly.

"Girl shut up, are you crazy?!" I whisper yell.

"My bad. But I'm so excited for you!! You'll send me photos right?"

"Yeah don't worry. I'll text you the details. Hum I gotta go I need to do a scene"

"Okay you got this" she says as she kiss my forehead.
Don't get me WRONG, it's just her love language. She's done this a million times.

Ariana's POV

I'm walking to my next scene when I see Yn and Zendaya talking.

"Girl shut up, are you crazy!?" I hear Yn say. This looks interesting.

I don't wanna listen but I do anyways. It got the best of me.

Humm what does she means when she said she'll send pictures and videos?? And Zendaya kissed her forehead?!

Why did she do that? Yn is my girlf-

No, I can't be jealous. Yn isn't even my girlfriend and she can do whatever she wants. But why Zendaya?! When I asked her first?!

Ughh, love life sucks.

Time skip to the evening >>>>>


Today was kinda awkward with Ariana. Well just the afternoon. The morning was great, we talked and acted like any other days. But in the afternoon, she seemed kinda pissed at me. She wasn't really trying to talk to me and she avoided eye contacts.

I just shrugged it off. Maybe she had a bad day and I need to concentrate on the date! I'm so excited.

I finish my makeup and outfit and look at me in the mirror. I'm so pretty.

I wore a black little dress (you can wear a suit) and black heels. My hair was curled and I had jewelry on.

Shit, I'm gonna be late.

15 minutes later, I'm entering the restaurant and see Ariana seated at a table. I hope I wasn't that late.

"Hey Ari. How are you thank you so much for inviting me" I said.

"Yeah, no problem it's a pleasure" she said, again avoiding eye contact. What is she doing?

We ordered our food and started to eat. It was awkward again. We almost didn't talk. What's going on with her?

She wasn't like that this morning. So weird.

"Ari are you okay?"

"Mhm" she said, playing with her food.

"No seriously, since this afternoon you keep avoiding eye contact and giving me dry responses. I wanna enjoy my time with you but you don't let me"

"I said I'm okay!" She kinda snapped.

"Okay well if I you don't wanna talk to me or tell me what happened I'm going to leave"

I drop a 100$ bills on the table and begin leave.

"No-  Yn wait"

I just ignore her and go to my car. Suck a fucking great night.

I call Zendaya

"Hey Z, can I come over please?"

"Humm, yeah but weren't you on a date with Ariana? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah well no I'll explain later, I'm coming"

Ariana POV

Ughhh I fucked up. Just because of my jealousy.
I'll talk to her tomorrow. I need to calm down first.

I pay the bill (with my money) and go to my car. I hope she'll forgive me.

I'm such a loser, oh my god


Hey sorry for not posting, I'll post part 3 prob today


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