Until I found You

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Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been close friends ever since they were kids in elementary school but during sixth grade, Rainbow noticed how differently Applejack would act. She would constantly blush, smile, and either hold Dash's hand or arm when she was nearby. It wasn't till one day that Rainbow Dash decided to confront her about it.

"Hey Aj...I've noticed that every time you're near me you act different than you do with our friends, Is everything alright?" Dash asked. "Yeah...it's just," AJ said starting to blush and get nervous.

"Hey," Rainbow said lightly cupping her face so she could see her emerald eyes. "You can tell me, I won't get mad at you," Dash said softly. Applejack nodded and took a deep breath before looking into the other girl's magenta eyes.

"I...I like you Dashie and not in a friend's way," AJ said softly looking away. Dash blushed before softly smiling and turning Aj's face. "I like you too Aj...and not in a friend way either," Rainbow said softly grabbing her hand and kissing it. Applejack smiled before wrapping her arms around Dash's shoulder and snuggling against her shoulder. Rainbow chuckled and wrapped her arms around her waist. "So does that mean we're dating?" Dash asked. "Yeah we're dating," Aj said resting her head on Rainbow's shoulder.

So the two started dating and they told their two close friends which were Fluttershy and Rarity. The two were very supportive and happy for their two friends. But something happened during seventh grade, Rainbow had gotten the news from her parents that they were gonna be moving because of Dash's dad who got a promotion but that meant they would need to leave Canterlot and move to Cloudsdales.

Rainbow was heartbroken because not only was she gonna have to move away from her friends but she also had to leave behind her relationship with Applejack. Not wanting to hurt Applejack and her feelings she decided to do something that would hurt the both of them.

"Hey Big Mac, is Aj home?" Rainbow Dash asked as she was on the doorstep of Applejack's house. "She's upstairs in her room you can go talk to her," Big Mac said. "Thanks," Dash said looking down before entering and heading upstairs to her girlfriend's room.

She went down the hall approached the door and knocked on her door. "Come in," Dash heard as she opened the door to see Applejack on her bed reading a book. "Dash," AJ said as she got up and hugged her Dash hesitated but hugged back.

"Hey uh Aj, Listen can we talk?" Dash asked as Applejack nodded and led her to her bed as they sat down. "What'd you wanna talk about?" AJ asked. Rainbow turned away and took a deep breath before facing her girlfriend. "Right so uh I know I didn't tell you this but...I'm moving away to a place called Cloudsdale and it's sorta far away from here," Dash explained as Applejack's expression saddened.

"Oh," AJ said. "Yeah and uh I was thinking that maybe...maybe...we should break up," Rainbow said. "But Dash...we can make it work," AJ said as she tried to keep the tears away. "AJ...I'm gonna be honest...I don't think we can, long distance is hard to maintain what if you find someone better than me? I don't want you to feel bad about it because you deserve someone who'll be there for you and not be a million miles away from you," Rainbow Dash said slowly starting to tear up before getting up from the bed and turning to the doorway.

"Don't say that," Applejack said as she let the tears fall. "I'm sorry Applejack...but it's over between us...goodbye," Rainbow said before leaving the room in a hurry as she started running ignoring the pleas from Applejack as she ran out of Aj's house and kept running before she was a far away distance. Rainbow took deep breaths trying to catch her breath before falling on her knees and started crying letting the tears fall as she punched the ground. "I'm sorry Aj, I'm so sorry," Dash said softly as her tears hit the ground.

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