By your side

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Age 6

"Got you!" Sunset exclaimed as she tapped Dash's shoulder before running away. "Hey, no tagbacks!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed running after her. The two girls and their other friends Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack were at recess playing tag with each other.

"I'm coming for you next Pinkie!" Dash said seeing her energetic friend on the playground. "No, you won't!" Pinkie stated as Rainbow smirked getting up the stairs of the playground and started running after her but Pinkie planned it and went down one of the slides just barely missing Dash.

"Too slow!" She stated as Rainbow smirked and went down the slide to chase after her. Pinkie continued running trying to escape Dash but the other girl was determined to tag her. However, Rainbow Dash wasn't paying attention and she tripped on her leg causing her to fall face-first on the cement ground.

Pinkie noticing Dash was not chasing her turned around and gasped as she saw Rainbow on the ground on all fours and her head was down as one of her hands was clutching her nose. "Dashie!" Pinkie exclaimed and went over to her friend. "What happened!" Twilight asked seeing her friend down. Rarity, Sunset, Applejack, and Fluttershy joined them to check on Rainbow Dash. "I don't know I think she fell chasing after me," Pinkie said.

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah...I'm still alive," Dash jokingly said turning over and sitting up removing her hand from her nose as the others gasped. Not from the scratches that she had received but because of the blood trailing from her nose as the hand she was holding her nose was covered in her blood.

"What?" Rainbow asked wanting to know what shocked them. "Rainbow darling, you're bleeding and it got on your shirt," Rarity said as Dash looked down at her shirt to see there was blood on it but it caused more blood to come out of her nose. Applejack immediately took action and gently cupped Rainbow Dash's face. "Keep your head up, or else more blood will come out," AJ said moving one of her hands up so she could have Dash's face tilted up while her other hand moved some of Rainbow's hair from her face wanting to get a good look at her face.

"Here," Sunset said handing Applejack some paper towels, which she had gotten from the restroom. AJ grabbed them and gently started cleaning the blood from Dash's face. "Hold this against your nose. Let's get you to the nurse's office," Applejack said helping Rainbow up but still holding her hand. "Thanks, Aj," Dash said smiling at her friend. "Don't mention it," She said as the two walked to the nurse's office hand in hand.

Age 12

"You Ready Sunset?" Dash asked. "Ready as I'll ever be," Sunset stated as they were on top of the ramp. Pinkie bounced with excitement, Rarity adjusted her sunglasses, Fluttershy clutched her camera ready to capture the action, while Twilight and Applejack leaned against the railing, watching in anticipation. "Okay, watch this!" Rainbow said her skateboard was offset and ready for action. Sunset grinned, giving her friend a thumbs-up. "Go for it, Show us what you've got!" She said.

Dash took a deep breath and pushed off, gathering speed as she approached the ramp. She launched into the air, attempting a complex flip. For a moment, it seemed like she had it. But then, she lost her balance. Her board flew out from under her, and she came crashing down, landing hard on her elbow. "Oww!!" Rainbow said.

"Rainbow!" Twilight exclaimed, rushing over with the others close behind. Rainbow groaned, sitting up slowly. She looked at her elbow and winced at the sight of a dark purple bruise forming. "You okay, Sugarcube? That looks pretty nasty." Applejack said kneeling beside her, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Rainbow muttered, though the pain was evident in her voice. Applejack gently touched the bruise, causing Rainbow to wince. "Sorry, Dash. We should get some ice on this. What do you say we call it a day and head over to my place? I've got an ice pack that'll help." She said. Rainbow nodded, swallowing back her discomfort. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Dash stated.

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