Much Panic

20 1 4

"Why aren't Ukraine and Uzbekistan back!?"

"Well, maybe you should STOP YELLING first!"

I paced around the living room, my hands badly bruised from punching the wall repetitively. Ukraine is gone, Uzbekistan is gone. America just said that Canada was, too. What were they doing and why aren't they back!?

"Kaz, I apparently cannot calm down-"

"Self-control is the key, now use it," Belarus said, placing a hand on my shoulder. All it did was make me feel discomfort.

"They could be in danger, they could be getting drugged, they could be forced to become assassins, they could-"

"Russiýa, stop."

"Ha, like that's going to anything, Turk."

"Giving me the same nickname as Türkiye is stupid, Russiýa," Turkmenistan said. "But seriously, we can't just go out there if we know that it is dangerous."

"But they're in danger! Ukraine may be capable of defending herself in some circumstances, but not all of them! And Uzbekistan just-" I clutched the sides of my head, so close to punching the wall again, "he won't stand a chance..."

I heard one of my siblings sigh, most likely Belarus.

"What about Canada?"

"Like he can do anything."

"No, listen to me," Belarus said. "You've only met him a few times. You don't know him enough-"

"I can't just depend on him and hope for the best!" I almost hit her with my fist, but I resisted. However, she did flinch.

"Control your anger," she seethed.

"I'm going to my room; take care of yourselves."

On that word, I stormed off to my bedroom, fists clenched tightly. I should have asked to rearrange the groups so I could be with them - why didn't I anticipate this earlier?

I opened my bedroom door and stared at my room. The whole thing was in disarray, with dirty clothing strewn all over the floor. I kicked some of the junk out of my way and collapsed on my bed. I was overwhelmed by the sudden disappearances and wanted to cry.

But you're a man, as Father said, I thought. Men can't cry.

I curled up into a ball and rocked myself back and forth as if I were a baby. 

I can't cry, I can't cry, I can't cry...

A tear rolled down my cheek. Then another. A third one.
My instincts had just disobeyed me.

I ended up sobbing quietly on the bed, before nodding off to sleep.

"Russiýa, you're boyfriend is here."

My eyes snapped open. I SLEPT!?


"You're boyfriend's here. Do you think my eyeballs have rolled out of their sockets?"

I sighed in annoyance and saw Turkmenistan drumming his fingers on my doorframe. For whatever reason, he kept calling America my boyfriend when he was only a friend. We'd never get to that status anyway. History kept us apart, no matter how hard we pushed.

"Of course not. Or you'd be screaming bloody murder."

He let the tiniest sliver of a smile present itself, but it vanished immediately.

"If you keep him waiting, he'll punch me in the balls. His words, not mine."

I slid off my bed like a fish and followed him to the door. Turkmenistan was right, unfortunately. America was waiting impatiently at the door, tapping his foot on the ground.

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