A little Encounter

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Author Note:

I made some edits

Rudra- Arnav changed into Zayan
Abhimanyu changed into Bashir
Karthik- Abhay changed into Asim ( Not Timothee chalamet. Abhishek nigam now)
Aarav- Ayaan
Advik - Kareem

Anuska - Fatima
Raj - Ali

I have changed the place of living too. Its Pakistan, Islamabad. I'll tell the reason in the end.

Author Pov:

"I am sorry for your loss " the doctor said solemnly, making them stumbled.

You may be confused what's happening right? So, let me tell you in the morning, they were calling their mother after some attempts, it was picked up by the doctor who told them that their mother got in the accident and she is in hospital. They rushed as soon as possible.

"You can fill the form and take their body" he added and was about to left when he was stopped by a voice.

"How is my father?" A man came stopping the doctor. He stood stall, his dark black hair and black eyes. He had a masculine body like a commando. Their body shook as they saw who the man was.

"I was about to call you but well, you came. I am sorry to tell you, I don't think he will survive today." He replied solemnly.

"Doctor! Mr. Ali's condition is worsing" the nurse told as she rushed to him in hurry. Then they left to attend him.

Frustrated, he ran his hand through his hair. But when he noticed them, he stood still. His eyes held the emotion of love for them.

"Let's go to fill out the form" Asim said coldly turning around to left.

"What do you mean by it? Who is admitted in hospital?" He inquired perplexed as he couldn't hold his worriedness.

"Why do you care now, Zayan?" Kareem said agitated, not caring about being disrespectful nor did others cared.

"Tell me" he spoke out with his deep and scary voice.

"Do you think you have the right to know?" Bashir yelled angrily as the frustration, anger of all these years was ready to explode.

"Our mother died in an accident, today. I don't want to have a fight right now. Let's just go" Asim said solemnly with his pleading eyes looking at Bashir.

He sighed and agreed then they left.

•What do I do? How I will get us together?• he thought painfully. After several minutes, he started pacing to and fro, being restless and unaware that the doctor had just entered.

"Zayan, As expected he is taking his last breath and wishes to see you" The doctor said solemnly, grabbing his attention towards himself. The tears formed in his eyes, listening to this, but he calmed himself down and went to his father's room.

As he entered his father's room, he was taken aback when he saw his father passing a smile at him with the loving eyes which held guilt in them. A smile that held held gentleness. A real smile. The eyes that watched him with the love, care and guilt. The combination of emotions held in those eyes and smile, took him surprised.

"Come h..e..r.e" Ali spoke out weakly looking at him with love-filled and guilty eyes.

"Can I call you Ba-ba?" He said hesitantly as he read the emotions in his eyes and the emotion that the smile held, walking towards him.

Ali's heart broke into pieces when he heard his son asked his permission to call him 'baba'. He nodded as the tear fell down from his eyes like a waterfall.

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