The Plan

412 29 15

Third Person Pov:

After feeding the soup, Arush made him sleep and went to the living room. He smirked internally seeing Zayan's brother.

"Do you thought I will forgive you for what you did with Zayan?" Arush said with his deep voice sending shivers down their spine. They shook their heads frightened.

"I want words!" He shouted furiously, glaring at them with anger filled eyes.

"N-o" They stuttered out of fear.

"Where is Sir?" He growled furiously.

"N-o, S-ir" They stuttered again. They could feel what Zayan felt. And that's what Arush wanted.

"Your punishment starts from today. Whatever I say, you will obey. Dare to disobey me. Understood?" He said sternly with a smirk.

"Yes, Sir" They replied immediately. They hated it.

^ We are hating this when it's just a beginning. How did Zayan bhai put up whole life?^ They thought saddened by the fact.

" 100 Push up. All of you " He ordered sternly with his deep voice which sends shiver down their spine.

They followed as they were instructed. It continued whole week like this. Zayan would be in his room whole day while they treated him with love, care and gentleness. His relations with his brothers was now good. Just a bit things were left. Arush will punish them if they make a mistake but not too harsh. It was unknown to Zayan. Though, Arush knew if Zayan found out, he is gone.

Now, Arush is at the door bidding them and giving Zayan's brothers a final warning. Unknown to them, Zayan feared if Arush go back to India, they will be like before. But he kept it within himself. It was the sad day for Zayan but happiest day for his brothers. The jealously they felt seeing Zayan and Arush relationship was unbearable. It was unfortunately a reminder for them that they should be in place of Arush comforting, playing and being lovey dovey with Zayan. They were waiting for Arush to go back to India so that they could execute their plan.

"Bye, Aru! Take care!" Zayan said with a fake smile while hugging him tightly.

"We'll talk through phone. Don't you dare to lie to me! Otherwise no one will worse than me" Arush replied while wiping the tears that fell from Zayan's eyes.

"Shut up, Moron" Zayan said chuckling while whacking him.

"Okay, bhaiya! Arush Bhai is getting late" Aayaan interrupted literally throwing Arush out and locking the door. Zayan chuckled at his jealous brother.

"Now bhaiya, Don't laugh! Come with us in Bashir's room" Aayaan whined cutely.

"Wait" Bashir said blind folding Zayan and they took him into Bashir's room.

As Bashir removed the blind fold, Zayan was in shock would be an understatement.

As Bashir removed the blind fold, Zayan was in shock would be an understatement

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