Alive or Dead ?

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"He is out of critical situation. " The doctor said patting his shoulder.

"Thank you, doctor! Can we meet him?" Bashir asked immediately.

"Yes, you can" the doctor replied with a reassuring smile.

"Do not stress him. He is on bed rest for 1 month" he added and left.

They quickly entered the room and saw him laying down on the hospital bed. They could guessed he was mumbling something but what it was, they don't know .

Zayan saw them coming towards him.

"Don't come near me. I am disgusting." He said continuously while backing away till he hit the end.

"Zayan, look at me" Arush said sternly making him obey. He slowly move towards him.

"Did I said you are disgusting?" He inquired sternly.

"N-o" Zayan stuttered out.

"Did you did anything bad!?" Arush inquired further, sitting beside him.

"No. I didn't do anything" Zayan replied with tears in his eyes.

"Even the bad people are called bad not disgusting. Then How are you?" Arush said softly. Zayan looked down. The tears fell from his eyes. He hated if anyone was stern. He could control it but the accident and all that which happened overwhelmed him.

Arush wiped his tears and hugged him. The brothers were burning inside which went noticed by Arush. Well he has one week to tease them.

"Bhai, we are sorry" Bashir said, he wanted to get rid of the guilt.

"It's okay, Sir" he replied out of the fear shattering their heart into pieces. They were now realising the impact they did on him.

"Bhaiya, We are really sorry. Don't call us Sir" Kareem said desperately.

"I forgive you, Si-- Kareem" Zayan said immediately. He did forgive them but still he feared them. He never kept grudges for anyone. The fear, the humiliation, the hurt, he couldn't forget. For the first time, they understood this fact very well. And they were determined to amend it.

"Let's goo home, it's eww" Zayan said to Arush cutely. He hated hospital.

"Okay, let Bashir fill the form then we will go. And you are in bed rest for one month." Arush said sternly but he was whacked by Zayan. Bashir left to fill the form

"Ouch! Why did you hit me!?" Arush asked acting hurt.

"Because I was bored" Zayan replied unbothered. Arush looked at him with so done face. That's how Zayan was.

•When will Arush go?• Asim thought jealously. He wish he could make Arush go away. He wanted to have this bond too. But before that, they have to mend their relationship. He sighed.

"You are always bored. So Will you hit me every time!?". Arush dramatically said despite knowing what is going to happen. He was just happy noticing Zayan happy.

"Yes" Zayan replied whacking him again. And that's how they started a whacking fight.

After few minutes, Bashir came and told them that he had filled the forms. They can take him home now. Soon, every one found themselves in home. Arush and Zayan were in his Bashir's Father room which is now permanently Zayan's room according to Arush. They were playing or will I say pillow fighting. No matter what the situation, Zayan will smile. Khan brothers except Bashir were in the living room planing how to mend their relation with Zayan. They were determined to make Zayan comfortable with them and removing Zayan's fear. Bashir was in the kitchen making soup for Zayan

With Zayan and Arush:

"Now sit down, No more playing. You need rest" Arush said sternly but Will Zayan listen?

"Nope." He replied running away with Arush behind him.

•Zayan is no less than Little Zayan. I wonder how they will handle him. Well, I would tease them as long as I am here. The crack in Zayan and his brothers relationship will be filled. They will amend it for sure• Arush thought running behind him. Soon, he caught Zayan and tickled him while Zayan was laughing hard. But the knock on the door interrupted them.

"Come in" Arush said sternly as they stood up from the floor.

"I um bought soup for you, bhaiya" Bashir said entering the room with soup. They were threatened deeply by Arush to not enter Zayan's room without knocking.

"Aru! When you got sick!?" Zayan asked furiously. But behind the furious tone, worriedness was laced. As he thought it's for Arush. His Brothers did said sorry but they haven't accepted him yet. Nor will they call him 'bhaiya' right?

Meanwhile, Bashir was hurt. But he knew it won't easy. They have to try their best. It will be hard but not impossible. They will get their brother back.

"It's for you, stupid" Arush said whacking him on the shoulder.

"Oh! Give me" Zayan said as he took it. His eyes sparkled like a child. Not because of the soup but due to the care, his brothers are showing. Normally, people will get emotional but our Zayan is different 😂

"Betrayal. I am clearly betrayed. If it was me, He would have throwed tantrums but now that his brother is giving him. Hmph!!" Arush mumbled jealously while Bashir who don't know what Arush mumbled but seeing him jealous, he smirked in victory and left. For now, he thought to Let Arush have his time with Zayan because he will go in few days and they will carry out their plan.

"Now, Arush eat this" Zayan said sitting on the bed.

"Woah! You are sick not me" Arush replied face palming. How wrong he was that Zayan won't show tantrums!

"Imagine you are sick. Problem solved" Zayan said with a pout while forwarding the soup.

"Not at all. You are gonna eat this" He replied with his deep stern voice but he was praying for himself. Because no matter which tone he use, it won't affect Zayan. And the fun fact that it was with him only. He wondered why.

"Not at all. You are gonna eat this" Zayan mimicked him. He further stick his tongue out to tease him. They glared at each other for few minutes until Arush sighed in defeat.

"I will bought ice-cream for you tomorrow if you eat this. Deal done?" Arush tried his trick. It worked every time. He has some unleft work with his brothers which he wanted to finish before he went back to India.

"Two" Zayan smirked stubbornly. Arush felt like pulling his hairs out

"Okay fine" Arush grumbled as he fed Zayan. No way, He would let Zayan fed soup  himself. Before when Zayan was sick and after a lot of attempt, Zayan agreed to eat soup but when he took a spoon out of the bowl, he spilled the hot soup on himself. Arush is not gonna risk it again.

Author Note:

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