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Arush Pov:

"He is put of danger but the bad news is that he has to stay in hospital for two days as we'll be observing him. Then you can take home." The doctor said with a smile. Uff! He almost gave me heart. Alhumdulillah, he is fine. I saw there faces and they were so happy and relieved that I couldn't help myself and chuckled

"Jazak Allah Khair, doctor!" I said politely

"It is thanks to Allah. The condition he was in, we had lost hope. Even if he survived, he will be in coma. It is because of Him, he is stable. He have to rest for a week atleast. Take care of him. Well, I'll go and you can see him now" he replied and left.

Indeed, it was. I should tell it to Zayan now. Damm it! I forgot to make them eat food! He will kill me now! It's all because of you author! (Angrily)

Author: Was it me or you! (Author's glare)

Ok fine! (Hmph)

Reades: Back to the story! (Angrily)

"Ayaan, please make them eat the food and eat food yourself too. Bring Haleem. Otherwise your sweet brother will kill me." I said with the puppy eyes.

"Why don't you do yourself?" He smirked, rasing his one eye brow. I knew he is teasing me and I will kill him! Oh well, I can't let myself die by the hands of my best friend.

"I am going to tell him the news now. Please, Ayaan. I will give you whatever you want." I said doing the beat aeygo.

"Bro, I didn't know you do the worst aeygo ever" he laughed teasingly. I wish I could punch him in the face right now! What say Readers? Should I say? You know what leave it. It's not I am scared of Zayan.

"You go, I will bring it bhai." Kareem said rolling his eyes.

"No need! I'll go" Ayaan said and left immediately. I shook my head and left to tell him. After I asked a nurse, I went to the prayer and found him still making dua.

"He is fine, Zayan. But he has to stay in hospital for two days."

Zayan Pov:

"Ya Allah, It's all thanks to you" I completed my dua.

"I will come after 2 nafal for thanking Him." I said cheerfully as Arush nodded and left. After praying, I rushed to them.

"Can we see him? What's his room number?" I asked immediately, looking at Arush.

"Yes. It's 111" he replied smilingly.

"Did they eat?" I asked before I went inside Asim's room. He nodded his head and we (all) went inside his room.

He was staring at the wall.

"Oh you all came! I thought I will be staring at the wall until I get discharged" Asim said ignoring my presence. Ignoring the hurt the hurt I felt, the pain I felt in my heart as if someone pierced my heart through a knife, I smiled at him and chuckled as I saw Bashir whacking him on the head as Asim complained. I saw them teasing each other, talking with each other while laughing. It felt amazing would be an understatement. But the pain that I wasn't with them lingered in my heart.

"Well he is fine and fit like before. But I miss my baby." Arush whispered as I whacked him on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" He winced slightly as I look at him with a done face. But my attention was grabbed by Asim coughing. Before I could move to give him the water, Bashir gave him. I sighed in relief.

Time skip:

After two days, he was back at my house. These days, I was with him in the hospital. Bashir and others were stubborn to leave but I glared at them and use my stern voice.

"Did you tell them about my profession?" I asked Asim while driving. I hope he didn't

"Bhaiya, I just told them that you are a soldier because I had a hunch you wanted it to be kept hidden by the mask you wored" he replied happily as If he had won a competition.

"Good" I said but chuckled as I saw him beaming. At hospital when I was trying to make him eat, he asked me that why did I leave them? At first, I didn't answered and kept pestering him to eat it. I used my stern voice too but it didn't helped it. I told him thta I was forced to leave with him that's what I can tell for now. I will tell him when the right time comes. I apologised to him for leaving them and he said he'll forgive me on one condition. The condition was I will promise to never leave them no matter what happens. Well, I happily did so. Now, I have to ask forgiveness to others too and promise them to never them again. It may be easy for others but for me, it was difficult. I don't why though. But I wasn't able to face them. Asking forgive was looking so hard. It just a word 'sorry' for others who don't have to say. But it's more than it. For others it maybe because of ego. But sometimes it's not ego. It's something else. I said sorry multiple times even if it wasn't my fault but why is it so hard when it comes to my family. I sighed stopping my car as we reached our home. We entered the house and saw them waiting for us in the living room. I stood still but Asim nudged me. We sat in the couch and I looked into Arush's eyes who understood and encouraged me. He knew me too well.

"I am sorry." I said immediately, making them shocked and surprised except Asim and Arush who smiled at me.

"I am sorry for leaving you all. I had my reasons to do it. I was forced to. I love you all and I won't leave you all again." I added closing my eyes.

"What if that reason came again? Would you leave us again?" Bashir asked coldly.

"It won't come again. I won't. Never again." I said confidently. He is dead. She is dead too. Arush said true. I am free from the chain that shackled me.

Author Note:

Target for next episode (if you want next episode then answere the questions i am going to ask):

Do you want them to forgive Zayan?
Do you want them to stay upset with him?

Is it the only truth he kept from them or is there more to it?

Read further to know.

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