Tension hanging in the Air

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Arush told them every thing from the beginning leaving them in shock, guilt and regret. Why is that when we saw one side, we judge on that? Why don't we listen to other side too? Why don't we try to know other side too? Why we take too much time to realise it we are wrong? But when we see others mistake, we will say it immediately they are wrong? When it's us, why do we deny it? When others leaves us, we gave them the blame? Why don't we look on ourselves? We aren't perfect and never can! How do we forget it? Why don't we see also have done some mistakes too? We are too arrogant for that.

( I watched short. A girl said something. I want to share it with you. Don't self hate. When you do self hate, it's from arrogance. Now you are confuse how self hate comes from arrogant? When you self hate for a mistake or something, deep down you want to be perfect..but we forget that we are not and can never be perfect. It's Allah who is perfect. So when you do a mistake, a sin , its okay. Amend it. Make it right. Repent to Allah. Don't look back on past. Move on. Focus on present. You are alive today but you don't know about tomorrow. Death doesn't see age. When you are struggling, see others who is in more trouble than you. And thank Allah. Be grateful whether it's a bad situation or a good. A big example is present in Palestine. May Allah guide our Muslim ummah who has been astray to the right path and Non-muslim to right path. May Allah gives Palestine victory in this life and Hereafter. Ameen.)

Back to the story:

They sat down with a thud. They were filled with guilt and regret.

"How did he got in an accident!? What had happened which escalated to this!?" Arush asked with anger. They hesitatant to tell but did they had any option. Asim with a lot of courage told everything from the beginning till the end.

" I HATE YOU ALL! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU ALL! YOU DESTROYED HIM. YOU BROKE HIM MORE THAN HIS FATHER. DO YOU KNOW HOW!? BECAUSE HE TRUSTED YOU (ALL) WON'T BE LIKE YOUR FATHER. BUT YOU PROVED HIM WRONG! YOU DON'T DESERVE HIM. HIS LOVE, HIS CARE, YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING OF HIM." Arush yelled at them frustrated and furious. He was crying silently. He couldn't even imagine what Zayan was going through. The pain, the humiliation, the hurt, the fear, he couldn't.

"We are sorry" Bashir cried his hand on his forehead. He hate what he did to his brother.

"YOUR SORRY WON'T HEAL HIS WOUND, HIS SCARS." Arush shouted furiously. He hated them. He didn't even want to see their face.

"Think about your action and regret." Arush said controlling his anger. Shouting won't do anything. He was angry when he listened and yelled at them without thinking. But he don't regret, it was true.

They were quite outside and inside they were yelling and blaming themselves. They want to scream, yell and hit themselves but they can't. The silence was killing them. Every minute, every second felt like an eternity. At every minute, there worry, tension and stress increased. Second felt like a minute, a minute felt like half an hour and half an hour felt like hour. They were cursing themselves but it was of no use. They knew it. They regret their actions but it was what they could do. The thought he might die was making them restless. The tension, worry hang in the air. For the first time, in Khan family, no one was comforting anyone. They all were dealing with their own guilt, regret, and hurt. The hurt wasn't of themselves but was of hurting their brother.

It was as if they were fighting for their life. Their face was in the direction of operation room. Waiting for any moment, the doctor came and gave them happy news. But will they get the news they want or will they live their life without him?

• Please, be alive. We are so sorry for what we did. We amend it.  Just come back to us• They thought desperately

• Fight, Zayan! Make it alive.  You have survived much worse. You will survive this time too. I will not leave you alone this time. You will come with me in India. I Promise I will give you the love and care you deserve. Just come back to me• Arush thought in pain and agony. This pain and agony wasn't physical but mental. 

Two hours passed like this, they were more restless and agitated. They didn't know anything about Zayan's condition yet which was making them more agitated. They prayed to Allah to save him. They felt as if it was them who dying. In every minute, death was coming closer to them. But doctor wasn't in their sight yet. Arush stood up quickly as he saw the doctor coming towards them.

"How is he, Doctor!?" Arush asked worriedly.

Author Note:

How's it?

How are you all?

Every thing good?

Sorry for the short chapter.

Hope you like it.

Take care other wise I am gonna best you with a shoe!

What do you guys think?

Stay tuned two more chapters or I say three left.

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