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Meanwhile with Zayan:

Zayan stood trembling in the middle of the room, looking towards the floor just like he used to. He didn't dare to look around or sit anywhere.He couldn't afford to make them more furious than they were already. Every thing was too much for him.

° Let's gooo from here, me scared! Itsh  danger- danger! ° little Zayan cried

"Ssh..Shh...Calm down, buddy. It's okay. Nothing will happen. We are safe. You know na, we can't escape from punishment" Zayan said softly. He knew little Zayan is tired of listening this same sentence every time but he can't help it either. He tends to say this to comfort himself and him

°Chu alwaysh says tihs. But it alawys huwt. Let me out, me will run awayyy velyy fasst °.  Little Zayan whined cutely trying his best to come out.

"This time, It won't, In shaa Allah. I will be there with you I promise. It won't hurt. I know you want to come out. I will let you out soon. Then we will play too ok?" Zayan tried to coax his little self but before he gets a reply the door swung open harshly and all his brothers entered.

They all entered and sat on the bed only Bashir was standing with a furious gaze fixed on the trembling elder. Which according to him was acting.

"Tell me why are you in this room? Shouldn't you make tasty dishes if you are serving some guests huh?" Bashir said too harsh that made everyone else flinch.

The harshness made him tremble and feel more small. He felt trapped, his breathing went uneven he was feeling same all over again. He failed to prepare a good dish for guests now he will be punished for it. Zayan was almost living memories constantly so he forgot that they are not his father or his father's friend but his brothers.

"Again not listening! Am I looking like a fool or what? Or you are ignoring us? Were you faking that you want our forgiveness?" Bashir shouted furiously which brought Zayan back to the present.

"No, I am s-sorry, Sir. I am here for my punishment because I couldn't make proper food." Zayan tried hard to control his stutter.

"You FAILED to prepare proper food!" Kareem suddenly shouted from behind making zayan jump on the spot.

He shouted intentionally because he wanted to observe something.

"Y-yes sir. Me f-failed to prepare food as per requirement." Zayan struggled to let these words out because whenever he was forced to use the words like failed it meant trouble- A big one!

"Hmm good at least you are accepting your mistakes. Well you are a military officer right?" Bashir taunted, his tone was a mixture of coldness and harshness.

"Y-yes sir. I am." Zayan spoke out petrified. At first, he was forced to join military. When he grew up and his father had hard time in being creative with punishments. So he was told to join military as they have toughest training as well punishments.

And now when he has joined there and gained a reputation. As well as he started loving his country and job. Now they are asking about it. He doesn't wants to leave it. He loves his job, he will do anything to be able to do it. But his brothers were just asking right? He won't be that harsh right?

"So, I am sure you know what breaking a cane is right?" Bashir looked at him. Zayan trembled on his place.

"Don't you dare to lie!" He further yelled, making Zayan flinch badly

"Y-es, Sir" he stuttered.

"Bashir Bhai please don't do it now. We can't hurt him like that." Asim who knows what is actually happening quickly stood up and started requesting Bashir.

"Well why not? He can hurt us but we can't? Really Asim! You are getting trapped by him." Bashir said harshly then turned towards zayan.

"And you! Did you scare him by your so called higher post in military or something?" Bashir asked coldly because it was unusual for Asim to support zayan this much.

"N-no, Sir. I didn't. I promise I am not lying, Sir. My Allah is watching me. I-i never threatened or scared him." Zayan replied desperately. He is already in trouble. The last thing he wants is to increase it by any mistake.

"Leave it! I will see what to do later." Bashir jerked zayan as he took some steps closer while requesting. When Bashir was satisfied, he turned to Asim and talked to him in the softest way. "And Asim kiddo come on you rest baby. I won't break the cane for now ok? Don't be stressed you need rest right?

Asim nodded his head. Bashir took him towards the bed and made him sit comfortably and turned to zayan who was busy fighting his inner self which was trying to come out.

'pwease Iwet mwe out! Me also wantsh cute cute twalksh.' Little zayan requested when he saw how caring Bashir is towards Asim.

'Please little baby some more time. then we wi-' Zayan was consoling his little in his mind but was cut off by a shout.

"Zayan! We won't be breaking a cane in your military way because Asim requested it today. But we will break It in my way! Good and bring it fast." Kareem said loudly which made Zayan to run out quickly.

Zayan knows it very well where the cane is because his father had it's plants in the backyard. Specially designed for him, there were two three types. Which one to use was always decided by what is his mistake. But for now, Zayan didn't dared to ask which one to bring. His brothers probably don't even know about this tiny cane garden.

When zayan left from there. Ayaan too came out of the room saying he is thirsty. But in reality he wasn't going to kitchen. Being the youngest, he was just pampered and he didn't said much in the matter but despite of having a hate for zayan, he felt something is off. So he wanted to know.

Ayaan followed Zayan silently and was observing how zayan ran through the hallway till he was in the living room. He was confused as he saw Zayan standing still for a minute but laughed quitely when Zayan caressed and ruffled his hair as if he was consoling a kid.

Ayaan smile didn't left his face, seeing all this baby behaviour of his eldest brother. For a moment he forgot that he was hating zayan and got curious to look at his cute baby brother oops elder brother. At this thought, Ayaan laughed silently but stopped when he saw Zayan suddenly stopped his self comforting session and started running to the backyard.

Ayaan being curious followed quickly then and was shocked to see Zayan entering through an old door from backyard. Ayaan went there and saw the bushes were only of different types of canes, switches and sticks.

When Zayan entered the garden, he fet pressure, very high pressure. He was scared to enter there. This place is one of his worst nightmare.

°pwease letsh goo. It will hurt badly. They are very angwy.° little zayan again protested.

"Shh little baby, I promise It won't hurt. They are our brothers. So, this time, It won't hurt that bad. And you know, they didn't asked for the thorny one right?" Zayad tried to keep it positive.

°Yesh they didn't. Bwut me not want punishment. Pweaseeeeeeeee.° little zayan again tried.

'no baby. Now come on i will give you your favourite kabab and do you know arush Bhai bought gift for you. So if you behave nice then i will give you.' zayan said again trying to convince his little self that running is no good option. But he himself was having hard time believing It as he remembered how harshly they were all behaving.

Sadly Zayan kept on consoling his little self and he took out a stick. Wiped out his tears which came because of pressure frustration and fear. Zayan said to himself, "I know my Allah is with me. Please baby control for today. I won't make more mistakes."

Saying this, Zayan slowly went out and started to enter the house again with fear filled yet a little happy face as he was successful in making little Zayan agree to control himself and he was also sure his brothers won't hurt him. But he didn't knew that Ayaan heard zayan....

Author Note:

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