Bridger Mission - Steel's P.O.V

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We take the Fader to Coruscant there's no safer way. Around here all Sifters and Ezra were known we were popular and we'd be spotted at once. Coruscant had more than 10,000,000 people on it so it will be pretty hard for them to find us there... Or so we hope.

When we land we hide the ship and head into town and find a abandoned house with the Imperial mark on it saying that this house is no longer allowed to be used. Me and Ash get the door to open using our training from Lyra. She was more than a friend and she was more than my girlfriend she was my master and I was her apprentice. I was her Padawan.

The mission was simple get the Coruscant find out what cells the Bridge's are being held in and save them. The simpler your plan is when it comes to facing the Empire, less can go wrong.

I smile as I look around the house. This is something I would want if I were to have a family. suddenly at the thought of a family, Lyra pops into my head. What if we started a family? I shake my head and smack myself. I couldn't think like this. I couldn't have weakness.

Say someone was poking inside my head they could find out I have feelings for my master. they could use her against me. but did she have feelings for me? i smack myself again trying to clear my head. Ezra stands at the door of the bedroom and stares at me.

" why are you smacking yourself?" Ezra asks me giving me a strange worried look. I shake my head and look at the window. He walks in and closes the door behind him.

I sigh and and answer his question. " for one no I'm not crazy and for two I like Lyra and it's dangerous to like someone with all this going on. if the Empire goes picking in my head they can find out. Then they go after her. It would be my fault she was in danger. I can't do that." I say and Ezra smiles at me.

" I can give you a little look inside her head. I know how she feels towards you!" Ezra says in a singsong voice smiling.

" I don't want to know." I tell him but he can tell that I'm lying. Curse my force signature! he just smiles and laughs at me.

" she loves you." Ezra says dragging the word love very very long.

" shut up Ezra." I tell him shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

"Lyra loves you you love her! you'll get married and have babies!" as I start singing over and over and over.

"Ezra shut up." I shout. He finally shut up but he grins like a maniac.

He slowly walks up behind me and yells in my ear the one line I hate the most. " you'll get married and have babies!" he shouts in my ear. He pulled out of the room squealing his head off. Ash walks in the room looking back as well as he runs. He give me a confused look and I give him the worst look that I can and he leaves.

Lyra told me to keep an eye on Ezra that if he got the chance he would disappear on us. at first I thought she was just being paranoid until I wake up and he's gone about five minutes later Ash's back at the house dragging Ezra back.

" hey it's the lovebird!" Ezra says. Ash looks at me and showed me a bag. I take it from him and I look inside and I find candy. Lyra warned me that if Ezra ever got his hands on any candy expect the worst.

Ash walks Ezra to a room and lock him into it till the candy wears off. It doesn't wear off till the morning which is good we can't do our mission without him. Today all we have to do is patrol the city see who's here and if there's any weak point in the prisons boundaries.

we go in pairs of 3 me ash and Ezra and the other three in our group. Kinna stayed at the Sift to remain in charge for me thank God being in charge of the Sift again was driving me crazy too many people now.

" so what was Ezra talking about last night or do I have to ask him?" Ash asks me.

"Dude you just got back so you don't know. me and Lyra we're going out." I tell him. His face starts to darken a little. did he have feelings for her? It was a stupid question if you ask me it was hard not to Lyra is amazing.

I shake my head out of thought as we make our way back towards the house. on our way back we care of supplies, food, ammo, bombs, and some paint. we steer Ezra away from any candy so we don't have to go through what we went through last night.

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