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It wasn't long until the entry way of Anzu's home was butling once again as the rooster flew the coup to his shift at the rec center. Kenma and Anzu both calling out farwells as Kuroo shut the door behind him, leaving the pair alone in the now silent apartment. Kenma smiled as he pulled the new sticky note off the fridge to examine the note further. Anzu turned to the setter as she heard him chuckling to himself, "Roo left that for me this morning before his run, I wanted to keep it for the bad times" Anzu said as she looked down to hide the sentiment that plastered its way across her features. Kenma had to fight to keep his heart in his chest as he took in Anzu's actions. He took a moment to process his thoughts and feelings that were rioting through his being. Anzu began to shift in the deafinging silence, that was soon broken by Kenma's carefully weighted words. "I'm so happy Kuroo left this for you. Can I leave you something?!? I want you to have something from both of us for the bad times, I know you get them more than you let us in on. I always notice puppy luv, why do you think I ask you to play more often sometimes?", Kenma said as he wrapped his arms around his favorite girl. He inhaled deeply as he took in the soft, sweet smell of Anzu's hair products, giving her a soft squeeze of reassurance before releasing her to place the note back on the fridge. Anzu just stood in shock as her mind despratley tried to understand the words that had just left the setters mouth.
    She began to feel a small tremble take over as realization set in that she hadn't been as successful at hiding as she believed. Her big bad walls of solitude and isolation hadn't been very big or bad after all becuase Kenma had seen. It had always baffled Anzu how the setter always seemed to pop up right before she hit self destruct, each time appearing with exactly what she needed in that moment to ease the pain, fear, or worry. She had never truthfully explained her state to him in those moments for not wanting to add more reasons for her boys to worry about her on top of the ones they already claimed to have. Anzu sheepishly raised her gaze to meet Kenma's as he took his place back at the table with his red bull in hand. The puddin head could only look at Anzu with a mix of amusement, knowingness, and compassion through his cat like amber eyes. "It's ok puppy luv, I'm not mad at you for not being honest about how you were doing. I know how it feels when it gets too big", the settder said as he gestered with his hands above his head and a bewildered look gracing his features. Anzu couldn't help but giggle at Kenma's sudden animated expression, "Thank you puddin, I can't wait to see what you leave me" Anzu said lovingly as she laid a gentle kiss on the setter's forehead. Kenma gasped as Anzu's lips left his skin and a tingle soon spread across his skin, before he could utter a word Anzu spun on her heel aproaching the stove to begin cooking his favorite breakfast. "Yaku and Lev beat you out of most the apple pie french toast last time, so I'll make you your own batch. Gotta have energy to stream later, your fans are waiting" Anzu said gesturing to the non exisistant audience causing the setter to giggle. " You are the best puppy luv", Kenma said blowing the girl a kiss.
    A short time later the pair found themselves settling in Anzu's room, Kenma taking the bed to stretch out on his switch and Anzu at her desk to begin her short to do list for the day. The two sat in peaceful quiet while soft music played in the background. As Anzu met the halfway point on her list she heard her phone sound from beside her. She looked over to see a message from Akaashi. It read....

Bokuto's Keeper🗝-
Hey sweetpea wanna meet up in an hour?
How about this plave where we had breakfast the other day?

Anzu smiled as she checked the time, it had just reached noon as she grabbed her phone to repond. She quickly typed a reply as she looked to Kenma on the bed, "Hey puddin I'm going to meet Akaashi in an hour for coffee, are you good to chill here? You can lock up if you need to leave before I get home", Anzu said as she sent her reply.

Sounds good to me love!
Send me the location and I'll meet you there in an hour!
Be safe💕

Anzu stood to stretch out her hunched shoulders from leaning over her screen for the past several hours. She turned to see Kenma eyeing her from the bed, "What are you looking at?" Anzu questioned turing red from his gaze as she turned away from him. "Do you want the honest truth puppy luv? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable", Kenma said feeling at ease after their check in the previous day. Anzu took in a deep breath to calm her nerves as she made her way to her closet to change her outfit. " Yes puddin head I want the truth, but in exchange you have to help me pick out a new fit to go hang out in. I don't wanna have to do all the thinking, my brain hurts" Anzu sighed out as she began to pick options to sift through as she motioned for the setter to speak his thoughts.
Anzu could feel the setters gaze lock onto her moving figure as she moved through out the room, cursing herself for wearing the unforgiving bike shorts this morning. "Oi! Puddin Pop get with the program, I see you staring child!" she fussed as she giggled at the flustered boy. Instanly, he hung his head in shame as a bashful blush crossed his cheeks. "I'm sorry Anzu, you look beautiful" Kenma said in a hushed tone. Anzu laughed at the boys respectfull display, " Thank you sweetpea, it's alright. Now tell me why you were looking at me like that on the bed" Anzu said as she nervously went back to sorting clothes. Kenma let out a shuttered breathe as he thought about how honest he wanted to be with her right now. Fuck it, here goes nothing... Kenma thought as he opened his mouth to speak.

A Night on Fuji-Kaido DriveWhere stories live. Discover now