Chapter 1 - The Start

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Though: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot."

Original Publishion Date: 23 January 2024.

-??? POV-

I felt my body wet, the calm sound of running water was the only thing i was hearing.
I slowly open my eyes.

???: "What the..? Where I am? Actually, Who am I...?

I lift my body out of the water to see that I was in the middle of the forest, looking at the river I was to see how I even here, but there was no sign of anything or anyone.

My head hurts, i feel weak.

???: "I think there must be some kind of town around. Maybe..."

Fully standing up I started walk to towards the deepness of the woods, trying to find help.
While walking I noticed the sky starting to get dark, it seemed like I was endlessly walking for hours.
Then at the distance I could see bright colorful lights of the buildings from the city.

???: "Finally." I let out a big breath. "I hope I can find a place to stay off for the night."

I go towards to the city, hoping that at least i find somewhere to stay.

-A few days later-

I luckily managed to find an orphanage named "Chrysanthemun", here, kids that were lost, have ther parents killed or were juts abandoned, continue to live their life's hoping for a opportunity of being adopted.

-3rd POV-

Akane: "Alright kids! Let's make a roll call before you all can go out and play!"

Akane Kashima was the manager of the orphanage.
Everyday before the kids go out and play, she makes a roll call to make sure if everyone was there.
Most of the orphans were kids and young teenager, and Y/n was one of them.

Akane: "Okay let's see."

She says the name of every kid, they respond with an "Here!" Or "Present!"
She was juts about to finish the room call when her eyes stopped at one particular boy.
A H/c boy with a shark tail and tin, he was big for a 10 year old like him, and his dead eyes stare through her soul.

Akane: "Oh, it's you."
???: "Hello."
Akane: "Sorry but what's your name?"
???: "Uhh... well, this is a bit awkward. I don't really have a name mis."
Akane: "You... don't have a name?"
???: "...No"
Akane: "That's weird..." She rubbed her chin. "Actually, you can go."
???: "Uh, okay."


Akane was at her office, her window gave clear view of the playground outside.
She was still staring at the Nameless H/c boy.
Her husband, Kenny had noticed her staring a bit too much.

Kenny: "What is it honey?"
Akane: "Is that boy over there..." Akane points at the H/c boy

Kenny walks next to her and saw who she was pointing.

Kenny: "Oh, that boy."
Akane: "You know him?"
Kenny: "Honestly no. He came here when you were sick, he's an oddball really. I don't even know who he is, he juts appeared here with no information about him."
Akane: "How can he came here with no information about his relatives or himself?"
Kenny: "Actually, I did a test with him the same day he arrived. Apparently he suffered memory loss and only remember about waking up in a forest a few days ago."

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