Chapter 7 - Battle Trial

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Though: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot."

-Continuing where we last stopped-
-Y/n POV-
-Timeskip to the end of the fight-

So... the test battle had ended, and i must say, it was brutal.
But it ended in such a clever and awesome way.
My classmates stared in shock, seeing the disaster that was the fight.

Kaminari: "The losers are practically uninjured, and the winner are on the ground.
Tokoyami; "They lost the battle, but won the war, huh?"
Tsuyu: "This is training, tough."

Well anyway All Might gathered everyone back to the viewing room.

All Might: "Well, if i say that, the MVP for this battle was Young lida."

Lida was taken back and looks surprised at him.
Tsuyu: "It's not either of the winners, Ochaco-chan and Midoriya-chan?"
All Might: "Hmm, well... why is that? Does anyone know?" He said standing his arm up.
Momo: "Yes, Mr. All Might." She moved her arm up "That's because lida-san adapted the most to the context of the training. From watching the match. If appears Bakugo-san acted on his own because of a obviously personal grudge. And as Mr. All Might said earlier, it is foolish to launch a large-scale attack indoors. In the same way, taking to consideration the damage he received, Midoriya's plan was also rash. As for Uraraka-san... She let her guard down mid-battle, and her final attack was also reckless. If she treated the papier-mâchié as a real weapon, she would not have been able to do something so dangerous. lida had prepared for this opponent's arrival and assumed it would be a fight over the weapon, witch made him late in responding to the final attack." Lida on that moment had a proud smile on his face. "The hero team only won because they took advantage of the fact this was training. They were practically breaking the rules."

This was... a lot more than i thought it would be.

All Might: "W-Well, Young lida also has parts of him that could be more relaxed, but well, that was correct!" I could sense his nervousness on the voice.
Momo: "We shoud always start with the basic develop depth of learning. We must strive to devote ourselves wholeheartedly. Otherwise we cannot become top heroes."
Y/n: "...Okay."
All Might: "All right everyone, let's change locations and start the second match. Tackle this training after thinking about what we just talked about."
Everyone: "Yes, sir!"

Next match was Team B against Team I, with Todoroki and Shoji as the heroes, and Ojiro and Hagakure villans.

All Might: "Now, let's start the second indoor person-to-person combat training match!"

The match start, Shoji uses one of his arms and transformed into a ear. Todoroki said something that i couldn't understand, he touches the wall of the building and suddenly everything started to freeze.
The bad part about that, is that the Todoroki's freezing quirk had catch up to the viewing room and needless to say, it was cold in here.

All Might: "He did not cause any damage to his teamate or the nuclear weapon, and on top of that, he weakened the enemy."
Kirishima: "He's so strong!"

I look to my back and saw Bakugo looking at the screens terrified.
Wait..? This is the first time i see him this way.
Anyways, Todoroki touches the nuclear weapon.

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