Chapter 42 - (S4) Rescue Aftermath

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Thinking: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot.

-Y/n POV-

A few hours after the Rescue Operation had ended, Izuku and I were taken to the hospital so the green boy could be checked after having some trouble with Eri's quirk.

Doctor: "I examined your whole body, but other than your arm, there seems to he nothing out of the ordinary."
Izuku, Y/n: "Thank you very much."
Doctor: "But how did you arm end up like that--
Izuku: "More importantly, where's everyone else?"

Aizawa came in suddenly opening the curtains behind.

Aizawa: "I went to check on them."
Y/n: "Oh! Mr. Aizawa! How you're injures?"
Aizawa: "I had ten stitches. You two, come with me."

And so we did.
Us three were walking around the hospital hallway.

Aizawa: "Sorry I couldn't be with you two when it counted."
Izuku: "It's all right."
Y/n: "Yeah, besides, how is everyone else?"
Aizawa: "Kirishima had bruises and lacerations on his whole body, but he'll live. Amajiki cracked a bone in his face, but none of his injuries will leave a scar. Fat Gum has broken a few bones in a few places, but he seems fine. Luckily, the blade that stabbed Rock Lock didn't hit any vital organs, so his wound wouldn't develop into anything serious."

Izuku: "I'm so glad."
Y/n: "Me too... So... what about Eri-chan?"
Aizawa: "She's still feverish and sleeping. She's being quarantined right now."
Y/n: "Oh... That means I can't really see her?" I said a bit down.
Aizawa: "Apparently, it was decided based on the information we got from Midoriya about her. She can't control her quirk that rewinds people. It sometimes activates it again, I'm the only one that can stop her. Midoriya was able to touch her by continously your whole body, right?"
Izuku: "Yes."

While the chat was occurring, we got into a elevator and enters it.

Aizawa: "There aren't many people who could do that. Even if there was someone who could, if that girl's quirk became powerful enough to surprass that..."
Izuku: "Yeah, if you hadn't erased Eri's quirk, I don't know what could have happened."
Y/n: "Considering her quirk, I think you could reminded to nothing." I added as the door open at floor B2.
Aizawa: "Well, since it didn't work on buildings or ground, but only on people, training to teach her control isn't something we can approach lightly. Thinking about her emotional state on top of the unknowns, right now, it would be the most logical to keep her quarantined. For her sake, as well." He stopped walking. "In other words, we cannot depend on her quirk. All we can do is accept it." Another door opens. "He also just arrived."

We look forwards and saw All Might accompanied by Recovery Girl, Bubble Girl and Centipeder.

Izuku, Y/n: "All Might..!" We took a few steps towards them.
Izuku: "And Recovery Girl..."
Y/n: "Um... What kind of meeting is this?" I asked a but concerned just by their expressions.

Bubble Girl: "I called them... because..." Tears formed as she started to sob. "Sir was always talking about All Might..." Centipeder tried to calm her a bit.

Doctor#2: "There is nothing else that can be done... Honestly... it's mysterious how he's even still alive..."
Recovery Girl: "There is nothing I can do with my healing at this point..."
Doctor#2: "Unfortunately, I don't think he will live to see tomorrow..." He whispered.

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