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Hi! Welcome to my first work I've written since 2015. It means so much that you're reading this. I just want to say thank you to everyone that's voted, commented or even just read it.
Especially trendy-avocado AndraDenisse
For commenting and voting since day one. It means the world <3


"I swear, if Styles comes anywhere near me today, he's gonna wish he never did." Louis looks over at his friend with his brows furrowed, causing a wrinkle to appear between them.

"What the fuck are you on about, Niall?" He says, his voice barely above a murmur. "He's never done anything to you."

Niall looks at Louis with a look that screams 'are you stupid?'. "Yeah but I hate him by association."

Louis opens his mouth to respond with a witty quip as usual but is cut off by a strong hand thumping him on the shoulder. Louis doesn't have to guess who the hand belonged to as it's quickly followed by a familiar voice. "What are you two twats bickering about now? You're worse than a married couple." Zayn smirks placing a cigarette between his lips.

Niall lets out a short cackle, "Just discussing the devil incarnate, mate."

Zayn laughs gently as he lifts the orange flame from his lighter up to his cigarette. He exhales, the smoke flowing through his lips that are curled into a smirk. "What's he done now?"

Louis sighs and throws his own cigarette onto the icy gravel. He watches the neon embers jump across the floor. "He ain't done anything yet." 

Zayn's smirk doesn't falter. "It's 8:30 in the morning, mate. Give him time."

Zayn's eyes drift over the sea of people approaching the building and suddenly his smirk grows. "Oh, would you look at that? Speak of the devil and he shall appear."

Louis diverts his eyes from the burnt out cigarette on the floor and follows Zayn's gaze. His eyes instantly lock onto the form he's grown to hate. Almost instantly, the curly headed boy looks up. Louis laughs to himself softly, eagerly anticipating the icy exchange that was most definitely about to ensue. A smirk tugs at the side of Harry's lip as he makes a deliberate attempt to change his direction to head straight for the group.

Louis feels Zayn lean down towards his ear, the smell of smoke clouding Louis' senses. "Looks like pretty boy wants a chat, Lou." Louis doesn't have time to respond before Harry struts over.

"You know, I'm beginning to think you three have a weird obsession with me."

Louis watches as the cold air causes steam to flow out of his mouth. Louis looks him up and down briefly before a dry laugh escapes his lips. "Don't flatter yourself."

If his words had affected Harry, he didn't let it show. His smirk only grew. "You're one to talk."

Louis feels his blood boil, forgetting momentarily about the freezing air that surrounded them.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He challenges, his eyebrow raising slightly. I'm going to have so much fun with this, he thinks and struggles to prevent a grin from spreading across his face.

"It means you're full of yourself, Louis." The taller boy replies. His face is unnervingly still and his voice unwavering.

"Oh please, you're the king of narcissists, Styles. How long did it take to get ready this morning?" Louis hears Niall struggling to hold in his laughter beside him and fights the urge to kick him in the shin. He'd kick him so hard, he'd cry.

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