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Hi! Thank you for baring with me, this took a while to get posted so I apologise! Hope everyone's had/is having a lovely day :) xx


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

What the fuck? Louis' eyes sting as he forces them open.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"Jesus fucking Christ." He grumbles sleepily, reaching for his phone. He's pretty sure the light shining from his phone has blinded him.

'Incoming call from Z'

He groans further when he sees the time. 2:37am.


"Can I come over?"

"Zayn, I have school in like 4 hours, mate."

"Bro, come on. Please."

"No, mate. I'm sorry."

"No worries, mate. Catch you later."


Louis sighs and rolls onto his back. Every fucking night for the past two weeks, he's had the same 2am phone call with Zayn. It's the only time he still speaks to him. 

The tables have certainly turned, Louis is at school every day and Zayn is nowhere to be seen. He feels bad for not entertaining it but he's tired. That doesn't mean that the guilt doesn't eat him up every time. With a sigh, he rolls over and wishes for sleep to pull him away. 

His wishing works and only a few hours later, he's walking out of his front door.

He's greeted by a smiling face at the end of his driveway.

"Hey, you." Izzy beams. Louis smiles in return, his eyes still tired. "Happened again, huh?"

Louis nods. "Yep, like clockwork."

She nudges him with her shoulder as they start walking down the road. "I know it's hard, but just try not to keep dwelling on it."

Louis knows that she is right. "I'm trying."

She smiles up at him, squinting her eyes slightly as the early morning sun beams on them. "Are you sure that Niall won't talk to you if you try? I'm sure he'd be as concerned about Zayn as you are."

"He's too wrapped up with Harry still." Louis sighs. "There's no point even trying." It's crazy, he has a better relationship with Harry than he does with Niall. Niall doesn't even look at him when they pass each other, Harry gives a small smile. It's fucking mental.

Izzy smiles sympathetically and they continue walking down the road. Louis is so grateful he's had Izzy the past two weeks. It's also nice that she goes to the grammar school instead of his school. It gives him a bit of space which he needs. Louis struggles to be in company for too long. Zayn's practically missing and Niall is still completely blanking him. To be fair, Louis hasn't tried to speak to him. She's been a listening ear and Louis is wholeheartedly grateful. He's not sure if the love he's starting to feel for is romantic or not, he hasn't really got much to compare his feelings to. That's why he hasn't kissed her yet, meaning that the last person he's kissed is still Harry. All he knows is that he loves spending time with her.

"Done any more art?"

Louis shakes his head slightly. "Nah, brains too full with random shit."

"You're worrying too much, that's why. I don't know Zayn but I'm sure he's fine."

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