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Thank you for sticking with me, I've had a rough week and just couldn't find the time to sit down and write this chapter :( 

The penultimate one! I cant believe it's almost over! Thank you from the bottom of my hearts to everyone that's read this, commented or voted. It means the world! 

Love as always xx


There was a point a few months ago, that Louis thought nothing could go right. But, as he lays on his bed watching Harry read, he can't help but feel like everything's going to be alright. He gazes fondly at Harry, watching as he absentmindedly chews the inside of his lip and his chest rises gently. He seems completely entranced which, in turn, causes Louis to fall into a trance too, laying on his stomach staring at Harry with doe eyes. His eyes trail to the tattoos on Harry's arm, namely the ship. Louis was quite proud of that one. He's getting quite good to be honest.

He sighs. Quite frankly, he's bored. Harry's been so focused on studying that Louis wonders why he even bothers to come over. Probably because it's quiet and he can get away from his parents. Louis still hasn't met them, Harry said he didn't want to put Louis through it.

"Are you gonna read that all day or are you going to appreciate your amazing boyfriend that just so happens to be sitting here?" Louis sighs dramatically.

"Is my amazing boyfriend going to pass my exam for me?" Harry quips back, not looking up from his book. There's a smile on his face, though.

"No, but he can help with extra curricular activities, though." Louis wiggles his eyebrows playfully. He may as well not have, Harry's way too focused on whatever he's reading to even notice.

"He should be studying too. His English Literature paper isn't going to write itself."

Louis huffs and turns on to his back, staring at the ceiling. Truthfully, he knows he's got enough ready to pass. As long as he passes, he's not overly bothered about getting any higher than a 'C'. He's not even sure he wants to go to college anymore.

"Hazza?" Louis sings like a child that wants to ask their parents for a puppy for Christmas. Oh yeah, in the last few months, he's somehow started calling him 'Hazza'. He started saying it as a joke when they were drunk once and it stuck.

"Yes, Boo?" Harry teases. Louis fucking hates it but as long as it's only Harry saying it, he doesn't mind.

"I wanna tell you something." He says, turning back over onto his stomach.

"Hmm?" Harry hums, eyes still glued to the pages. Jesus, Louis' going to burn that book in a minute.

"I don't think I'm gonna go to college."

Harry finally looks up from his book, looking completely perplexed. Louis can't blame him. He's worked so hard recently because he wanted to pursue art.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He says, his brows furrowed.

"I don't think I'm going to go to college." Louis says again, this time slower.

"But?" Harry elongates the word into a question, obviously panicking a bit at the prospect that Louis might actually become a layabout bum.

"I think I wanna do tattooing. Like permanently. Pardon the pun." He smiles. Harry doesn't seem to find it funny, however. His brows are still knitted together, but hey, at least Louis got him to stop staring at his book. Every cloud and all that.

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