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Well, here it is guys. The end :(

I'm so sad this is over, this book has saved me from a dark place. I decided to start writing this to distract myself from life royally kicking me up the arse. It means the world that people have actually read this and actually enjoyed it so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

There could potentially be a Louis and Harry follow up set a few years later if you guys are interested?

I've grown so attached to every single one of these characters and it hurts me to say goodbye. I hope I've done them justice.

I love you all so much <3 


"C'mon, Lou. You have to get up."

Harry is very obviously trying his hardest to coax Louis out of bed. Louis knows that he has to get up, the problem is that he doesn't want to. It's results day and to say Louis is shitting a brick, would be a wild understatement. His mum tried a few times before admitting defeat. That's when Harry came over, as planned. Harry is also more stubborn than Louis' mum which means that Louis will probably be getting up at some point very soon.

"Don't want to." He mumbles, burying his face into his pillow. The knot in his stomach is actually hurting. Like his intestines have knotted together like one of those thin necklaces.

"Louis, come on. It'll be fine." Harry says softly, a sigh following soon after. "Just get up."

Louis just groans and pulls his duvet over his head. Maybe if he camouflages himself, Harry will forget he ever saw him.

It doesn't work because Harry pulls the duvet down, leaving Louis' top half completely exposed to the world.

"You'll never be able to face the day if you keep hiding. Please, you have to-"

"I don't want to face the day. That's the whole point." Louis huffs, finally removing his face from his pillow and meeting Harry's pleading gaze. Harry sits on the bed and grabs Louis' trembling hand with his own.

"It'll be fine, you'll see. Just get up and come with me. The longer you wait, the worse it'll get." Harry's tone is soft but firm, like one of those gentle parenting adults.

"If I don't get them, they don't exist." Louis points out.

"Lou, please. I know you're anxious and I know you're scared of what these results might mean, but this is a teeny bit silly. They exist whether you check them or not and if you don't check them, you're going to be wondering for eternity."

"Haz, I really don't want to." Louis groans again, feeling sick to his stomach. This summer has been awful. He's tried his hardest to have fun, but with the poignant absence of his best friend and results day looming over his head like a big fucking black cloud, it's been pretty difficult. Harry squeezes his hand.

"I get that, I really do but we have to face these things, okay? Come on, let's head down and then when we finish, I've got a surprise." With that, Harry tightens his grip on Louis' hand and yanks him up until Louis' feet are on solid ground.

"Surprise?" Louis asks, his brows knitting together and his head spinning slightly from the sudden movements.

"Yeah, you'll see." Harry nods, his tone light. He pulls Louis close and kisses his forehead. "C'mon, let's get this over with."

When Louis finally gets downstairs, Harry and his mum are chatting by the front door. Their voices are low and Louis' sure they're discussing how to deal with him when (not if) it all goes tits up.

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