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A blurry world and the smell of singed leather greeted Astrid upon awakening. Murmurs that she couldn't exactly comprehend rattled around her as she propped herself up, her arms hot and singed from the blast.

"Are you okay? Here I'll help you up." Snotlout's irritating voice cut through the fog, snapping her to attention.

Astrid batted him away, a flimsy attempt. "Get off," she slurred. Eyes drooping closed again.

"Alright everyone, move back! Give the lass some space!" Spitelout ordered. "Let her get up in her own time."

It didn't seem like that would be soon. She groaned, bile rising in her throat and heat burning her up from the inside. Despite that, illness seemed to be the least of her worries. Eventually she found her footing, but not before she had the chance to remember every single exact event that led to that flaming ball of purple hurtling toward her. She swayed on her feet, in a very un-Hofferson like fashion and Snotlout gripped her with his hot clammy hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked, a rare vulnerability shining through his strong man facade.

Resisting the urge to tear herself away, Astrid nodded. "I'm fine," she mumbled. Truthfully she felt anything but fine. Sore, exhausted and emotionally drained. Against every instinct, she leaned against Snotlout, using him to keep herself upright as she faced Spitelout.

There were a million questions on the tip of her tongue but something that told her 'Did Hiccup get away safe?' and 'Did anyone see me help him escape?' weren't going to garner her a lot of favours. "Did you find my axe?"

Spitelout let out a hearty laugh. "Not yet lass. But not to worry, someone will bring it back."

She nodded, her eyes glossing over in a vacant stare and her eyes drooped closed once more. The axe was the least of her concerns now.

"Get her to Gothi," Spitelout ordered, turning back to his operation. Vikings rushed about the cove, collecting weapons, dragon scales and anything Hiccup had left behind. It seemed like everyone was feeling the rush. There hadn't been a calm moment for anyone since the twins' explosion.

Snotlout nodded quickly. "Yeah, Dad." He turned to Astrid. "Let's go."

It was a sign of just how absent Astrid was that she allowed herself to be manhandled and led from the cove, by Snotlout's hand on her elbow. It made Astrid's stomach churn to leave them in there to scrutinise and destroy every piece of the sanctuary that Hiccup had built. Not that she had much choice. Being injured had helped her escape questioning for now, but one foot out of place and Astrid was certain there would be a spot in gaol with her name on it.

She trudged up the slope, her feet sinking into the soft dirt. She felt her legs protest the movement. Every inch of her body ached and shook. It was amazing that she'd lasted this long frankly. After spending the entire night before thinking about Hiccup and his dragon fiasco and the entire day today trying to save Hiccup, she was running purely on adrenaline. In one day Hiccup had managed to turn her entire life upside down. And then he'd abandoned her and left her on Berk, an island that could turn on her in an instant, with no protection and no way to reach him. She gritted her teeth at the thought, squashing down her anger. There were a lot of consequences she had to face now. Alone.

In an attempt to distract herself from the torrent of thoughts, Astrid turned her attention to their surroundings. The familiar trees and well worn path... that wasn't there. "Snotlout. This isn't the way to Gothi's Hut."

Snotlout looked up, surprise evident on his face. "It's not?"

Astrid rolled her eyes. Of course he didn't know, she was expecting too much from a total muttonhead. "No. It's not. I'll lead." She steered them back to the correct path. Slumping with visible relief when the track became wider and flatter.

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