Prologue. It Begins.

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"What happened? Where am I? There's nothing around me just darkness, am I dead?" There was no response, at first then there was a light groan coming from somewhere in the void. "Hello?!" Again no response just the darkness and a groan that has no source.

"How did I get here?" Before getting a chance to think anymore flashes of white florescent lights began appearing. "What? What is this?" More flashes start appearing some just of a ceiling then some of two people with robes and tools.

"Wait I know them" They started appearing more, the more they popped up the more rage and hate started to build up. But also the groaning from before got louder and louder. "They tortured me, ignored my cries." Again more flashes of the two, the woman and the man popped up.

"It's ok he'll be fine we can run him through the test again" A mans voice said then followed by screams of pain. "I will never forgive you, the pain you caused me, both of you!" The groans became to loud to ignore, the rage began to boil, and the hatred began to break the void.

"Look honey! We made a breakthrough! Our hard work has paid off!" The woman voice said while flashes of fire and lighting popped up. "I was nothing more then a lab rat!" The void even though seemingly not having any physical shape started to shake. Flashes of a hallway, flashes of the bright light from the outside never seen before, flashes of the blue sky never seen before.

Then a flash of a engulfing light followed with the groans and the screams of a person who knew nothing of life other than pain filled the void, until it was quiet. The void was gone but the feelings were not, the person who was in that void had died and someone else was reborn, "I will destroy it all." A new voice said one that sounded hollow yet guttural. One that sounded sad yet filled to the brink with rage and hatred.

~23 years ago~

"Dammit we are still not close to getting this, the subjects keep dying after the first injection why!" Raymond said punching the table that was covered with papers of research, "Ray please, we'll figure this out I promise." Sadie said to her husband who was in their own world rightfully upset.

Raymond and Sadie Noble were scientists who were studying Anatomy and Anthropology. Basically they studied everything to do with the human body and the evolution of humans but each had their own side studies. Raymond studied anything to do with energy mainly nuclear energy. While his wife Sadie studied engineering any form of it. Together they put their main focus on changing human lives and not by simply curing a disease or mental problem but by enhancing and evolving the human body.

"We tried so much, the human body just doesn't seem to want to accept it." Raymond said a little disappointed his thirty-fifth human attempt didn't work. Both of the two sat for a moment then Sadie thought. "Maybe it's because the human body by the age of twenty-five is basically fully mature already adapted for life and set into place." She said a bit giddy.

"What are you getting at Sadie?" Raymond questioned though he was smart he still never caught onto social queues very often. "I'm saying we need someone younger, way younger someone who hasn't and won't be exposed to anything other then what we want!" She said Raymond looked as if he was a child on Christmas. "Holy hell, you're right! But the board isn't gonna allow trials on anyone younger than the age of eighteen." He replied back.

"I know, this will have to be kept secret we can change our focus on that and front a completely different thing but besides that I know how we can get what we need without even having to look." At first Raymond was puzzled but instantly caught on when Sadie jumped on him and started kissing him. They both knew what they had to do and were both willing to do the worst to get what they wanted and that they did just that not knowing what would come.

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