CH 26. Armistice.

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Albien quickly launched at Martin with void energy covering his hands, Martin formed a metal wall to block the hit but Albien punched through it, "shit!" Martin yelled out, Albien's mood had shifted the group was confused by his yelling but took the advantage but it seemed to do little for them.

Albien grabbed Martin's shirt and pulled him in and punched him and then threw him at Zephyr, Yazmin then formed two blood swords and started swinging at Albien, he dodged and grabbed one and absorbed it "do better" he said spinning his leg up and kicking her down.

Freya made two plant clones of herself and sent them his way, "really? These pathetic things, I thought you could do better" he said grabbing one of them and ripping it apart and then slicing down at the other when when his energy, "shut up" Freya said, then Eliana shot a giant crystal at him knocked him back a few feet, "distraction, nice" he said getting up.

Talia then shot multiple balls at him, he dodged a few and absorb some, he started to ran back towards them, Freya and Yazmin both form their own whips and swung them at him stopping him, "come on then" he said pulling the whips in and making them clash into each other, Zephyr then launched Martin into the air and Eliana rushed at Albien, Martin covered himself in spikes and was again heading towards Albien, "shit who do I evade?" Albien thought to himself.

Albien ran again and jumped at Eliana taking her hit and letting Martin hit the floor, "probably for the best" he thought to myself he then grabbed Eliana and slammed her into the floor, "you're a lot stronger than you look you know" he said Yazmin then kicked him in the side of the head she then formed two big blood maces on her hands and swung them at him.

"That's cool watch this" Albien said shooting a blast of energy into her sending her back but Zephyr caught her before she could go far, "you okay?" He asked, "yeah fine" she said quickly getting up, Freya rushed at him and formed a tree blade using her plant arm and stabbed it right into Albien's chest, "wow, is that how you feel? I thought you wouldn't be able to do such" he grabbed the blade and snapped it off and then kneed her in the stomach and pushed her back.

"Freya!" Talia rushed and blasted off the floor towards Albien, "oh great" Albien said catching Talia she landed on his shoulders and had his head wrap in her legs, "ha imagine!" Albien joked out, Talia grunted in frustration, "fuck you!" She yelled and placed her hands on his head and started shooting fire at him.

"Burn motherfucker!" She yelled out turning her hands into complete fire and turning up the heat, Albien quickly realized he was in a bad place and started to absorb all he could, "dammit!" He yelled and slammed down onto the floor but Talia didn't let up she was trying to end it all right there, Albien got up, he was slowly feeling the burning pain, he punched her in the ribs but to no avail, he then slammed her again and again, "fuck! Get the fuck off me!" He yelled and grabbed at her missing eye and shot a quick blast of energy into her.

Talia yelled out in pain and quickly let go, "f-fuck, I hate you" Albien said and kicked Talia in the side sending her rolling, now that the fire stopped Eliana jumped back in and sent a crystal into his leg then spun around and sent another into his side and then one more into his shoulder, Zephyr flew at him and punched him in the face, Yazmin then rapidly shot blood blades at him, and Martin slammed down with a giant metal beam at Albien's back.

"Talia are you okay?!" Freya asked, Talia was shaking, "it burns, f-fuck but I'm fine, help the others" Talia said placing her hand over the gash in her face. "Move!" Freya yelled as she ran at Albien and jumped at him and formed a giant tree sending it into him sending him flying back, Albien shakily got up and absorbed the damage, "fuck you're good" he said and then his chest exploded with energy he then fell to one knee.

He yelled out, "fuck! Dammit! Oh well! I never knew when to stop" he said, flashes of his past went through his mind remembering the times he was tested on and remembering how much pain he was in then, how he pushed through, "this world will be mine" he said coldly, Freya then ran at him again and sent a knee into his face, "you're a monster!" She yelled at him then send punch after punch into him, "I'm the monster?!" He said back grabbing her face and standing up, suspending her in the air, Freya then formed spider like legs from her back, they were sharp thin branches and she started repeatedly stabbing into him, but Albien seemed unfazed.

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