CH 15. In Time.

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A/N There is a final spicy scene in this chapter it's also super early in this chapter, so feel free to move ahead past the *~~~~~* if that isn't your thing ngl tho you may need this one to understand the rest of the chapter unlike the rest, anyways if it is well then don't skip :). The chapter may seem super long with that scene thrown in but without it this chapter is equally as long as the rest. See y'all at the end of this book.

~Albien's POV~

I sat in the main room looking around, observing. With the first two groups I've done this with I only messed around for a few days at most, something about this group interest me. Is it Freya? No I don't have those feelings for anyone? I will admit having sex with her was a great experience. Was that real though or was it me just being me? I felt a body sit next me I looked over and saw Bryson.

"What?" I asked out, "damn dude I just wanted to chat" he asked I realized I did say that in an aggressive manner. I cleared my throat, "sorry, what did you want to talk about?" I asked trying to show interest, "you make it seem like it's an obligation but I wanted to talk about the leadership thing you brought up" I stayed in my head. Is it just these people? Compared to my last group they are so expressive and open, you would think the whole end of the world shit would make them closed off. "Okay what about it?" I asked barely hearing what he said.

"Well if we do end up picking someone I think you should just let someone else take the role" am i actually being to feel something? Is it a good thing or bad thing? What should I do should I do move on already or continue to stay? Wait. "Why not?!" I asked he backed up a bit, "look you may have the looks for a leader but" he looked around, "who am I kidding if I'm being honest I don't like you" he said having my complete attention now.

I stared at him for a second, "you don't even bring anything to the table, you're a jerk to most of us unless it's Freya or Yazmin" he said I continued to stare, "so yeah I don't think you should be anything close to a leader and I think we should've left you out there, oh I also think your lying about the blood abilities, I don't know if I'm smart or no one else cares but your eyes don't match the abilities, so I don't trust you" he said sounding more serious, I was gonna say something back until I felt a strange feeling a shift in the building so I got up and made my way out the room.

I stood in the hall and inhaled, what the fuck? I walked towards the elevator and saw they were coming up but stopped at the floor underneath me, I quickly began to make my way down, running into the stairs. It was a new feelings like it was the same life energy I've been wanting but tainted with other things. I pushed the door open and saw Talia about to get out the elevator, she looked scared, surprised and sad. I instantly rushed at her making her hit the door frame of the elevator, I picked her up tossed her back in and picked her back up holding her by throat as the doors closed, encasing us in this small space.

I could feel my control slip from her and who knows what that means I've never had that happen before, "what did you do!" I yelled squeezing her neck and skimming through her memories, I saw the events that just recently happened to her. She killed two people, was it the emotional trauma from that broke my hold? Or was it something else? Did she actually like doing that?

I sent a burst of energy through her head again and I let go of her, dropping her to the floor. She started hitting the floor and gasped for air, "what the fuck?" she said getting up, he eyes encased in black. I was taken back, she was speaking to me out of command. "What? Never seen someone kill someone before" she said pushing the button to open the doors and walked out, I was surprised maybe it was my loose grip on her, but I have to keep a close eye on her, I snapped my fingers making her forget about this. I thought to myself a bit longer as I notched she walked to Freya's door and shook her head and began to knock rapidly as if nothing happened.

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