CH 22. A Cold Heart.

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Trigger warning for a multitude of things, like SA and Abuse.

~Maura's POV~

I looked out at the city as the sun was setting, it was nice, if it wasn't for everything going on it would be beautiful. I sighed out and turned around and headed back inside. "You ready?" I heard Haley ask, "oh yeah I guess so we don't really need anything right?" I asked making sure. It wasn't like a run where we were expecting to find any supplies so I guess I just needed myself and my will to fight.

~Maura's POV, Eleven Years Ago~

It was like two am, I was groggy but managed to get up and make my way to the ruckus that I was hearing, "David please for one night could you just stay!" My mom said holding my dad by the arm. I was supposed to stay in my room when I heard yelling but I couldn't help but want to know what was happening and I couldn't stand to see or hear my mom in pain. He pulled his arm away, "move Grace I got shit to do!" He said shoving her back and making his way out the front door and slamming the door hard behind him. At first I didn't understand why he didn't want to be here, like if you wanted to start a family why wouldn't you actually be here.

"Dammit" my mom said sounding defeated and walked to the kitchen where I was hiding, though it wasn't really hiding I was just behind the wall so as soon as she walked into the kitchen she could see me, "really Maura?" She said looking disappointed, "I thought I told you to stay in your room?" She asked walking to the counter and leaning on it, "how could I when y'all were yelling at each other?" I said to her.

She sighed out, "I know I'm sorry, your dad just frustrates me" I mentally hurled at that, I never saw him as my dad so every time she says it, it's like trying to force that down my throat like forcing him to be my dad which he was far from being.

We just stood in silence, I didn't really know how to express how I was feeling. I wanted to tell her to let him be that we were fine without him, that we were stronger without him, but I couldn't form the words it was like that saying, "cat got your tongue?" I then heard light footsteps from behind me.

"Mom? Sis?" I heard my little brother Markus say as he walked up next to me and held my arm, "sorry sweetie I didn't mean to wake you" my mom said walking over to us and kneeling down to his height. Markus yawned, "It's okay, I just heard a loud bang and thought it was raining" he said rubbing his eyes. "No just a bit of nonsense, now come on y'all two back to bed" my mom said ushering us down the hall.

I watched as my mom tucked Markus in and kissed him on the forehead, "your turn" she said smiling at me. We walked to my room and I jumped back into bed, "you know I'm proud of you, Maura" she said as she grabbed the blanket and put it on me. "You are?" I said a little confused, at the time all I did was take care of Markus for a hour at most, I wish it stayed that way. "Yes, I want you to know no matter what just, push through, you are a strong woman" she said smiling and kissing me on the forehead. It was two simple words but it got me through a lot.

~current time~

Talia and Jackson hugged each other and so did Eliana and Martin. "You're going to be okay right?" I heard Freya ask me I turned to look at her, "yeah nothing like getting a friend back from a demon" I said to her she forced a smile, "I wish I could go with y'all" she said I sighed and hugged her too, "there's no need that would be overkill" I said to her she laughed a bit, "I guess it would be huh?" I laughed with her and let go. "Wow is everyone done sharing affection and being gross let's get this done" Zephyr said obviously joking but I could tell there was something up, it was probably the fact the people he cared for the most weren't here.

I sighed out, "we'll do our best Zen" I said to myself, I made my way to the elevator and pushed the button. Me, Zephyr, Martin, Haley and Jackson, got in and stood in the elevator as it went down. It was silent we really didn't say anything we knew what we're doing and what could happen. The doors dinged open and the sun had fully set so the lobby was as dark, empty. I felt a feeling of uneasy thinking that Albien could be hiding in the shadows but I quickly threw the thought out of my mind.

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