Chapter 28

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Unedited !!! With slight mature content  ⚠️         

                               R U H I

"It's a boy." I smiled and everyone present there took a breath of relief. The delivery was a little complicated because the baby's weight is more than normal and bhabhi delivered in her tenth month. But by god's grace baby and mumma both are healthy and fine.

Aradhya snuggled more into my chest and I kissed her head. She is a big sissy now. I am genuinely happy for her and even bhaiya and bhabhi.

At least we can celebrate these moments, who knows when these brothers will start fighting again.

"Chachi I am not happy." Aradhya pouted and Abhay pinched her cheeks. She slapped away his hand and glared at him. I think they are not in talking terms.

"You little traitor." Abhay raised his eyebrows at her and she showed him her tongue and turned towards me,"I wanted a sister because boys are really irritating, now see Abhay chachu, for example."

Abhay stared at her with disbelief evident in his eyes and I chuckled. She was ignoring him and he was getting annoyed. He folded his hands in front of his chest and looked away, pretending to be upset with her. She understood that he was upset and bit her lips.

"Chachi listen I will sit in Abhay chachu's lap and ask him to make up for the mistake he made a few hours ago. Okay?" She whispered in my ears and I nodded with a small smile playing on my lips. She is so adorable.

Aradhya got off my lap and with the same expression as Abhay's on her face she sat in his lap and he narrowed his eyes at her ,"Little traitor why are you here, weren't you the one who made me sign chachu-bhatiji divorce agreement after I ate your pastry by mistake?"

Aradhya nodded at him with a serious look on her and said,"Exactly but we can reconcile if you will bring three more pastries for me." And she raised her three fingers in front of his face and ge rolled his eyes.

"I was the only one who brought those pastries for you and I was famished that's why I ate one but you...." He reminded her and she looked away from him and I shook my head at their childish banter. I felt someone sitting beside me and I was about to turn towards them when I heard his voice.

"Are you okay?" Yudhishthir asked me and I avoided eye contact with him. I slightly nodded and closed my eyes. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I don't know how but last night was out of my own control and we ended up having sex and now I am feeling embarrassed.

It happened because of lust because love is a far away topic for him, right now. We both were consumed with lust.

"See you are blushing now. Last night I saw your bold avatar." He stated the fact because it was true. I twisted my lips at him and suddenly a naughty idea came into my mind and I leaned near his ear and whispered,"I was bold last night but Mr. Rathore you didn't satisfy me. Tch tch you were not that good, you know. Oh, yeah I forgot that it was your first time that's why..."

He fisted his hands and I could see his knuckles turning white making me smirk internally. His ego was my target and I successfully completed my task. He leaned near me and his hot breath fell on my ears making me shiver slightly and whispered in a husky voice,"Wait for the night darling I will surely satisfy you." His tongue slowly licked my ear and I bit my lip to control my moan.

I opened my water and gulped it down fastly trying to control my body's increasing temperature and stood up from there and fanned my face a little with my left hand and saw Yudhishthir smirking.

He is really good at turning the tables.

"He is so small." I said a baby tone making mumma chuckle. Yudhishthir and Abhay left for the office and everyone went back home except me and mumma. Ishani bhabhi was sleeping and this little bunny of a few hours was staring at me with his pitch black eyes, just like his mother's.

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