Chapter 47

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One more thing, can I request you not to say anything ill about Ruhi?
We can do this. Right? Everyone make mistakes. Right?

She is such a sweetheart. Remember that she is only twenty. She just stepped out of her teenage years.


I covered my mouth with my palm in order to not create any kind of noise. Yudhishthir was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him. We decided to keep my miscarriage a secret and only Abhay bhaiya knows about it.

It was twelve at midnight and everyone was sleeping. Yudhishthir took me to his penthouse after completing the formalities in the hospital. Our parents returned back to their houses. I swear he consoled me a lot. He made my favourite dish and even played my favourite movie. He tried his best to distract me. We returned back to the mansion in the evening. And I tried my best to act normal.

He made me sleep at ten AM but a few minutes ago my sleep broke and I came inside the washroom. Unwanted Ly I pulled out the disposed test sticks from the dustbin and the wrappers of the pregnancy kit caught my attention.

With tears in my eyes I started reading the instructions again on the back side of the wrapper but suddenly something caught my attention and I bitterly chuckled at my foolishness. After checking the other two wrappers I cursed myself. I am an educated girl and I made the world's biggest mistake.

The pregnancy kits were expired.

That's why they didn't function correctly. I sat down on the tiles and kept on looking at the negative tests which were supposed to be positive.

"Ruhi." I wiped my tears when I heard Yudhishthir's voice filled with concern. I immediately stood up and hid the pregnancy tests behind my back when he entered the washroom.

"What are you doing here?" He came near me and kissed my eyes. He wiped my tears and then he noticed that I was hiding something from him. His hand made its way behind my back and I tried to protest a bit but Yudhishthir got hold of the pregnancy kits. His facial expressions changed when he saw the negative results.

"It's ok. Don't Ruin your health Ruhi." He tried to pacify me but I broke down.

"Yudhishthir I made a huge mistake." He kept those things on the counter and hugged me.

"What happened?" His shirt was getting wet because of my tears. "I bought the expired test kits." I felt him getting stiff and when I looked up I found him staring at me. I nodded and continued," I made a huge mistake."

"It's ok Ruhi." He caressed my cheeks but his eyes were having a hint of anger. Was he angry at me? And then he continued," I am going to get that fucking shop seized. How many people would have bought medicines and test kits from there. They are playing with people's lives. Remember to check the expiry date of anything you buy from now onwards." I nodded meekly and he picked me up in his arms and made his way inside the room.

"I trust no one except you." I was sitting in front of Dr. Namita. After a lot of reasoning with Yudhishthir, he finally dropped me at Dr. Namita's clinic, my gynecologist. I told her the whole story and she listened to me patiently.

"Those pregnancy tests were expired, right?" She asked me and I nodded. "I was too foolish to not notice it before." I wiped off the tear which rolled down from my left eye. It had been a week since that day and that guilt is killing me.

Yudhishthir had been constantly supportive. In this one week I understood how lucky I am to have him in my life. He is grumpy and moody but he is not bad. His genuine care gave me a boost to move on and stay strong.

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