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Idea: I like the idea of Andrew using Neils scars as a type of roadmap telling him that it's Neil in the dark room with him and not anyone unfamiliar.

(This idea originally came from a close friend of mine, all credits go to her)

A small movement beside him is all it took for Andrew to wake up jerking, ready to lash out at the body beside him before he paused.

His left arm was laying tensely against a body, a very scared body to which becomes familiar after his mind had a few seconds to stop and think. It was Neil beside him, the slow movement of his chest rising and falling is what told Andrew he hadn't woken up to Andrew jerk, which was surprising yet not uncommon.

Sometimes after a game or practice his junkie would be so tired that he once slept through a fight between Kevin and Matt that went on for an hour or so, Andrew didn't really pay attention to it considering when Neil fell asleep, he was laying his head slightly on Andrews lap after a quiet "yes or no?".

Neil grumbled a bit under his breath and Andrew stilled completely but Neil never awoke, but he did turn slightly to face Andrew like he could tell he was staring at him in his sleep.

Andrew would never admit it but he does stare at Neil sometimes, when he's running around court, stretching before a game or walking to the showers after a game, and whenever Neil would catch him and call him out on it he would simply tell him to shut up and look away with the all to familiar burning in his ears.

After a few minutes of just looking at Neil's face he realizes he's been moving his hand gently back and forth on Neil's stomach, he never thought much of Neil's scars, they made him Neil. Told the world that he'd been put through hell yet still came out the otherside.

The change in Neil's breathing told Andrew he'd woken up so he stopped moving his hand, earning a huff from the slightly taller man and after a moment of silence Neil's obviously still half asleep voice spoke, sending an unintentional shiver down Andrew's spine which caused a slight sliver of panic, only being stopped by Neil's words.

"Andrew?" his voice asked a question, "yes or no?" Andrew's hand curled itself still resting on Neil's stomach as he gave a jerky nod, Neil didn't take that as an answer though. "Words Andrew, can I put my arms around you? Yes or no?".

Curse Neil for being so observant.

And after a short yet thick amount of silence he nodded again, this time adding a firm yet quiet "yes." and then Neil was moving, albeit a slow pace so Andrew could watch his movements as he wraps his arms loosely around Andrew's shoulders.

He didn't talk for a while, letting the silence stretch out so Andrew can decide whether or not he felt like staying in this position, and when no protests came Neil spoke once more "running my fingers through your hair yes or no?"

He spoke while raising his hand yet left it hovering over Andrew's head waiting for an answer.

"Yes.. no pulling or tugging" Andrew finally answered and almsot immediately Neil let his fingers scratch gently across Andrew's scalp and after a few tense moments Andrew relaxed enough to close his eyes again.

It was a little while later that Andrew finally spoke, breaking the small silence.

"Yes or no?" A simple question that Neil knew he could trust, he knows that if he didn't like what Andrew wanted to do it would stop in a heart beat, so he smiled gently, still running his fingers through Drew's hair and responds with a small yes.

After nodding back Andrew slowly opens his hand on Neil's stomach so it's laying palm down on it and slowing begins to trace the scars he's all so familiar with and his eyes shut once more.

Neil didn't tense or flinch so he took that as a good sign and continued.

To Neil, this is the nicest night he's had so far, he didn't know what Andrew had wanted to do and he was surprised when Andrew started tracing his scars but he found he didn't mind. He's always noticed that when Andrew started to get anxious, which was pretty rare but still happened, or if Andrew wanted to distract himself from his mind he would unconsciously trace out Neil's scars on whatever was in front of him, most times it was Neil's hand.

While getting lost in thought, he almost missed the way Andrew's hand slowly started getting slower and slower until it stopped completely, Neil was about to ask if he was okay until he felt the slow movements of Andrew's breath and smiled to himself again realizing Andrew was able to fall back asleep.

As slowly as he could as to not wake the blonde, he removed his hand from Andrew's hair so when he woke up he wouldn't immediately feel a hand in his hair and startle Andrew into accidentally wacking him in the gut again.

Luckily he didn't wake and Neil was able to relax again, not even a few minutes later he back to being dead asleep.

No nightmares or sudden movements bothered the two for the rest of the night.

AFTG (mainly andreil) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now