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"We should help her." The white-haired girl suggests. "Hawk if you take them down you'll get twice as many scraps tonight." The blonde tells the pig. "What about me?" The girl asks. The blonde gets a cheeky look on his face. "I can think of some way to reward you." He tells her angering Hawk. "O-okay." The girl blushes and looks away. "Let's go." The white-haired girl tells the pig, standing up and running in the direction the knights and the girl went. The two caught up with them fairly quickly and Hawk rammed into one of them. "What's going on? What's happening?" Allioni asks as he and the other knights look back. "The pig and the girl are attacking!" The shortest knight points out. The girl picked up her pace, and the tall knight looked back the last thing he saw was her shoes as they came into contact with his face. "You're not getting away!" Hawk shouts, ramming into the knight in front of him and the girl gets the last one.

"Oh, no! Go away, go away! No, leave me alone!" Allioni shouts, looking back at the two. They eventually make it to a clearing and Allioni stops at the edge. "Where's the girl?" He wonders just as Hawk and the girl knocked him off the cliff. "Down you go!" Hawk says, listening to Allioni's screams. "Nothing personal, Mr. Wannabe, but I just earned twice as much food tonight." Hawk tells him. "And I just earned... I don't know what I earned." The girl deflates. "Knowing him it's probably something perverted." Hawk tells her. "Speaking of which..." The two look at the tree the blonde was in with the girl. "I don't know how I can ever thank you for saving me not just once, but two times?" The blue-eyed girl says. "Mm-hmm..." The blonde hums, squeezing her breast. "I'm telling you, lady, feel free to haul off and punch him." Hawk tells her. "Hey! Stop that!" The white-haired girl shouts, feeling jealous.

"So, why are you looking for the Seven Deadly Sins anyway?" The blonde asks. "I wanna ask them to help me stop the Holy Knights." The blue-eyed girl replies. "Are you serious? Why in the world would you do that? The Holy Knights are the king's men. They're the knights who protect Liones! Real heroes!" Hawk tells her. "But what if they were behind the plot to start a war in our country?" The girl asks and Hawk oinks. "The other day, except for the king himself, the entire royal family was arrested, and is being held by the Holy Knights." The girl explains. "Uh..." The blonde boy hums. "So, the king isn't really sick in bed?" The white-haired girl asks from beside the blonde. "That's just a cover story the Holy Knights are using. I don't know what they think they can accomplish by driving the nation to war. But now, they're drafting the people of the kingdom. They're taking men wherever they can get them. They're preparing for war everywhere you look. Soon, their reach will extend all the way out here." The blue-eyed girl explains.

"That's not good." Hawk says. "Yeah, tough break, huh?" The blonde asks. "You could at least show a little empathy." The girl beside him says. "So, how does this tie in with the Seven Deadly Sins again?" The blonde asks, ignoring the girl. "If there's even the slightest hope of preventing the Holy Knights from doing this, I know they're the only ones who can!" The blue-eyed girl tells the blonde, looking at him. "Just checking here. You're trying to find those guys even though you know what kind of people they are?" The blonde asks. "The Seven Deadly Sins. The most vile order of knights the kingdom ever produced, made up of seven vicious bloodthirsty criminals each one branded with the mark of a beast. Ten years ago, when they were suspected of trying to overthrow the kingdom, the knights of the realm launched a full-force attack, scattering them to the four winds." The blue-eyed girl explains.

"Well, if you believe the rumors, they each died a long time ago." The blonde tells her. "Such amazing people wouldn't possibly let themselves get killed!" The girl says. "Hmm... But they are criminals, aren't they?" The blonde asks. "The Holy Knights are the ones causing the suffering of the people right now." The girl shouts. "Long ago, when I was small only five or six years old, my father would tell me stories about them. And that's when I learned, they were the most powerful knights--" The girl gets cut off by a loud thud. "Huh?" The blonde looks around. The white-haired girl beside him gasps and wraps her arms around him when the ground crumbles. "Oh, give me a break!" Hawk shouts. The blonde lifts, the white-haired girl over his shoulder, puts, Hawk on his back, wraps an arm around the blue-eyed girl, and finally grabs Allioni before jumping back onto the cliff and dropping Allioni. "Look! It's Allioni!" The short knight says. "You there! How dare you survive without my say-so? I shall not be revising my death tally conclusion!" The armored knight beside them asks.

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