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Meliodas and Seraphina stood on Mama Hawk's head beside Diane looking at the town ahead. "Hey Captain, is around here, okay?" Diane asks. "Yeah! It's a little far from town, but we ought to be alright if we can do some promoting." Meliodas replies. "You did good today, Hawk's Mom!" Seraphina tells the giant pig. "You should rest too, Diane!" She suggests. "Sure! I'll just grab a little shut-eye till the tavern opens then!" Diane lays on the ground. "Good night, you guys." She tells them, falling asleep.

The two returned to the tavern. "All right, everyone! Why don't we get ready to open up?" Meliodas asks. "Us guys will handle the food stocks. Now Elizabeth, Seraphina, go down to the village and spread the word." He tells them. "And could you also buy some herbs while you're out there?" He asks. "Sure!" Elizabeth agrees while Seraphina nods. "Hawk, you should go with them for support." The blonde tells the pig. "That's fine by me, but do you really think she'll be okay?" Hawk asks, referring to Elizabeth. "Uh... I'm perfectly capable of going shopping!" Elizabeth defends herself. "I know, but the Holy Knights are still after you, aren't they? I mean, wouldn't it be better if you just stayed here while Seraphina does the shopping?" Hawk suggests.

"It's fine. I'll be there with her plus she can wear a shawl to disguise herself a bit." Seraphina chimes in. "Okay, but what about you? The Holy Knights might mistake you for Elizabeth." Hawk points out. "I have a solution for that." Seraphina snaps her fingers, and her clothes change into her original outfit. "I can just put on the hood, and we'll be all right!" Seraphina holds her thumbs up. "Smart." Hawk comments. "I know." Seraphina replies, grinning. Meliodas also grins and gropes her with Hawk prying him off.


Elizabeth hung up flyers advertising the tavern while Seraphina and Hawk were on look out. "I'm curious, has Sir Meliodas ever carried a real weapon?" Elizabeth asks. "Beats me. At least I've never seen him with one anyway." Hawk replies. "Same here." Seraphina replies, thinking back to the sword she bought in the memory. 'What happened to it?' She wonders. "Oh, he's always carrying around a sword with a broken blade. I wonder why he..." "Elizabeth! Seraphina! Find cover!" Hawk shouts. "Huh?" Seraphina looks back and spots Holy Knights, so she grabs Elizabeth and hides in the bushes. They peer out at them.

"They're Holy Knights, but..." Elizabeth trails off. "You think they've already sniffed you out?" Hawk asks. "Hmm. So, Holy Knights have senses of smell as sharp as an animal's, huh?" A new voice chimes in. "No way, man, my nose is way better than all of theirs." Hawk replies. He trio gasp in realization and look back at the newcomer, who was a green-haired man. "Hey. Are the three of you playing hide-and-seek, as well?" He asks. "Uh...hello." Seraphina cautiously greets the man. "I beg your pardon, I should have introduced myself first." The man stands up. "Hello there, young ladies." He greets them, bowing slightly. "Yes, hello." Elizabeth greets back. "Hello to you too." Seraphina greets him.

"And also... oinkity oink oink!" He oinks at Hawk, who took offense to this. "Are you making fun of me?" Hawk snorts. "Ah! There's a pig who can speak like a person?" The man says, seemingly shocked. "Huh?" Hawk questions. "It is a bit startling at first, huh?" Seraphina asks. "Don't tell me those guys from the kingdom are after you, too?" Hawk asks him. "Hold on, 'Too?' Are they after you two and that creature?" The man asks the girls. "You know I can talk now, so quit ignoring me!" Hawk shouts, annoyed. "Easy, Hawk!" Elizabeth whispers to him. "He probably doesn't mean it." Seraphina rubs his head to calm him down.

"I'm Alan." The man introduces himself. "I'm..." Elizabeth goes to introduce herself, but Hawk stops her. "Hold on, Elizabeth! Fugitives shouldn't tell people their names!" Hawk says, blatantly saying her name out loud. "Yes, you're right, Hawk!" Elizabeth agrees. "You two just said each other's names out loud." Seraphina points out sighing. "Oh, no, I just let it slip!" Hawk cries. "I swear it was on accident Seraphina!" Elizabeth tells the girl, saying her name out loud too. Seraphina sighs, shaking her head. "So, you're Seraphina, Elizabeth and Hawk." He tells the three, making them freak out even more. "It's good manners to say your names. They're only used in conversation. Spreading the word doesn't benefit..." Alan's cut off by two flyers, flying into his face.

He takes them off and looks at them. "I can get money for you two?" He asks the girls. Hawk squeals. "If you're selling someone, sell me!" "I'm kidding!" Alan throws the flyers away, but Seraphina grabs one before he does. She looks down and sees herself. "Oh." She mumbles. "Alan, do you need money for something?" Elizabeth asks. "What I really need is some glue to fix armor." Alan replies. "Armor?" Hawk asks. "Right. Though it's not as if that'll really help." Alan says. "There's someone suffering, and I'm not sure what if is I should do, or what it is that I should say, or what kind of look I should have on my face. It's not written in any book." Alan explains. "What a weirdo." Hawk whispers.

"Even when there's nothing you can do, you still want to try. I get it, especially when it's someone you care about deeply." Seraphina tells him. "I'm not sure what you mean." Alan replies. "Isn't it somebody you love?" Seraphina asks. "Let me see. Somebody that I love. The word love is best defined as harboring a strong feeling toward another." Alan explains the word and looks over at Seraphina. "Do you have someone like that, too?" He asks her. "I..." Seraphina remembers moments with Meliodas and blushes. "I..." She stutters. "Well, I don't feel like our relationship's like that." Alan cuts her off. "Really? Then, is it a friend of yours?" Elizabeth asks. "A friend?" Alan asks. "That's not right either?" Hawk chimes in. "A friend, a companion." Alan mumbles. After talking for a while, the trip bid their goodbyes to Alan and made their way back to the tavern. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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