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"I'LL GET IT!" Melody was just about to leave for school without Donte because he had been excluded and Melody had decided if he's not going in then probably one of them should go so it was the younger sibling answering the door that morning

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"I'LL GET IT!" Melody was just about to leave for school without Donte because he had been excluded and Melody had decided if he's not going in then probably one of them should go so it was the younger sibling answering the door that morning.

"I'm not here to cause trouble" Brett assured her but he was too late because Donte had followed her to the door to see who was knocking at their door for their attention at this time on a school day.

"Why ya here then?" Donte pushed his sister behind him so he could talk to the boy who had come all this way when he lives nowhere near where they did but Melody stood to the side of her brother to listen.

"I just think you should be out looking for her. She is your wife" Brett handed over a handful of missing person fliers with a picture of Cho's face on them and information about who you should contact if you see her.

"Wife's don't do what she did" Donte responded looking at the busted up face of the lad he never wanted to see again after he'd seen him in bed wife his wife that day after school.

"I just wanted to help look for her. Plus you owe me" Brett looked at Melody as he said the last part and Donte frowned at his sister before back at Brett on his front door step waiting to be dismissed.

"Get stuffed" Donte slammed the door shut before dragging Melody into the living room as soon as the door was closed to question her about what Brett had meant when e said she owed him.

"You owe him? Why him? What for?" Donte didn't give Melody a chance to get a word in in between the questions he had spat at her one after the other waiting for her to give him the answer he expects.

"I got him to not turn you in for assault, Donte that's it" She explained telling him to truth but she was certain by the look he was giving her he didn't believe a word she was saying to him at all.

"You went to him instead of speaking to me first?" Donte watched her roll her eyes at him and pick a jacket from their coat rack throwing it on before grabbing her keys from the side she had left them on.

"I'm leaving call me when you get over yourself" Melody reached for the door leaving the house without giving Donte enough time to respond to her or even try to stop her from leaving just to argue with her about this.


"Ya'right, Mels?" Janeece spoke bringing Melody back to reality after she'd been staring into space and not listening to a word her or Maxine were talking about while they walked towards the school building.

"Donte is being a pain about this whole Chlo thing" Melody explained folding her arms as they entered the building together walking side by side down the long corridor no real destination as they were in different places anyways.

"He probably just misses her" Maxine suggests but Melody already knew he missed her but he didn't need to hurt the people around him because some people are outlooking for her while he's doing nothing.

"Can't believe I'm saying this but we need Chlo back" No matter what the girl did she knew Donte would never be his normal happy self again until he's either made up with Chlo or he's come to facts that they aren't meant for eachother.

"We'll see ya round, Mels" Janeece broke the silence waving at the younger girl pulling Max down the corridor in the opposite direction and Melody decided she might just help look for Chlo after all if it meant helping Donte.

"Bolton where ya heading?" Melody reached out and grasped on his arm as he tried to storm past and he stopped letting her keep her hand upon his arm as he stared down at her.

"Away from this place" He grumbled frowning at everything around them as if it had tried to burn him or had done something wrong to make him wanna leave this place and never come back.

"Ya being a drama queen or seriously?" Melody tried to lighten up the conversation a bit to make sure he was just having her on and he wasn't actually planning on leaving Waterloo Road anytime soon.

"Rimmer being an idiot innit" Bolton referred to the headteacher insulting his decisions on something Bolton obviously didn't agree with.

"And that surprises you why?" Bolton wasn't one to hold a grudge about something Jack Rimmer had done because he knew the man was an idiot and had no common sense in what he did what so ever.

"It don't" Melody was officially confused by his complaints about the man when he knew what he was capable of in the first place so why was he so would up this time around.

"I'm sorry I'm confused. What's wrong?" Melody let her hand slide down his arm and hold his hand loosely which he let his eyes travel down to but he never pulled away from her touch enjoying the soft skin of her hand against his own.

"Don't matter no more" Feeling as she had been pushed away Melody let go of his hand and took a step back ready to let herself leave the situation before he made her feel even more bad about herself than she already did.


"Your brother's wandering around here somewhere just thought I'd warn ya" Mika told Melody as they stood inside the corridors against one of the windows that showed the rain drops dripping down them.

"Wonderful. That boy needs to get a grip" Melody remembered the argument the two had had that morning before Melody left for school as she had finally had enough of his complaining.

"Yeah he said something about looking for Chlo. Can't believe he is after what she did" Mika was obviously still wildly upset with her sister after what Chlo had done with Brett  the night Melody and Donte had walked in on them.

"I might even look for her at this point to shut him up" Although it may have seemed like it, Melody had begun to realise maybe she wasn't joking with all this helping look for the Grainger girl.

She was gonna look for Chlo.

For Donte's sake.

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