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"LOOK AT YOU LOOKING ALL SHARP" Melody knew how important this week was for her brother for job experience and she was proud he put thought into it as long as she didn't have to put up with the she-devil herself that clutches onto him

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"LOOK AT YOU LOOKING ALL SHARP" Melody knew how important this week was for her brother for job experience and she was proud he put thought into it as long as she didn't have to put up with the she-devil herself that clutches onto him.

"Aren't I always?" Donte fixes his own tie playfully wiggling his eyebrows at his younger sister who rolled her eyes at how full of himself he was being in his new attire.

"Yeah whatevs see ya later" Melody winked at a Chlo as she passed the beautiful blonde and shot Celine a much needed and therapeutic glare as if she didn't like the fact she popped up everywhere she went.

"Ahh Miss did you enjoy your travels?" Melody hurriedly walked down the corridor as she had spotted a familiar face that hadn't been teaching for a while as she was away on some fundraising trip for god knows what but Haydock had her moments so Melody was glad she was back.

"I certainly did I hope you're keeping yourself outta trouble" Melody winced at the fact that she had been doing quite the opposite while the woman wasn't present and that reaction to the teacher's statement proved she was definitely not right in saying Melody had been misbehaving while she was away.

"Don't know why I'm surprised" The french teacher rolled her eyes strolling past the student who wore a guilty smile upon her face which made the woman wear a look of disappointment on her own face.


"How's your little tag along recently, Mels?" Melody's head shot up at the sound of her nickname being used by Alisha in the row infront of her beside Danielle who was also turned around due to Budgen's lack of attention.

"Who may that be?" She knew exactly who these girls we're talking about when they described him she just decided playing dumb was the easiest way to go along with whatever evil plan they were cooking up for her.

"Well Mr Bolton Smilie himself" Danielle spoke this time with a tone as if anyone would have been able to understand who they were originally talking about and why they were asking Melody of all people.

"Who else would we mean, Paul?" Alisha brought up the name of Bolton's partner in crime but they knew that Paul wasn't the partner she had wrapped around her little finger it was the other.

"I mean...." Melody drew out playfully her tone obviously irritating the nosy girls who were too impatient to deal with the Charles girl's immaturity with her little games.

"Cut the crap Melody everyone knows you too are close to shagging at this point" That statement made Melody's cheeks burst out in a ruby red colour hardly expecting them to just blurt it out like that as if it were so normal.

"And you know this how, ladies?" As much as Melody tried to keep her calm and casual face on her bright red cheeks provided them with even more dirt to use against whatever they thought was going on.

"Paul may have said something about you two on the bus to the prison trip" Danielle grinned as Melody hid her face in her hands remembering the almost kiss they shared while he had his hands on her on the school bus.

"Paul needs to keep his mouth shut" Melody gained up the courage to continue on with the conversation knowing they had already gotten what they needed and it was impossible to make the situation any worse for herself.

"Ahh so it's actually true?!" Alisha whisper shouted as if she didn't actually believe Paul at first when he had told them that Bolton had nearly won her over on the school trip within a couple words being spoken.

"He actually had his hands all over you?!" Danielle gripped the back of her chair in utter excitement as to what Melody had just confirmed for them had happened on the bus.

"I'd appreciate less giggling girls. Thank you" Mr Budgen made Alisha and Danielle jump as he slammed his hands down on their desk for them to whip around so fast they nearly got whiplash if they went any faster.

Melody was absolutely done for.


"Melody Charles!" A hand grasped ahold of her forearm gently pulling her to the side and when she looked up she was standing in front of the partner's in crime themselves however it was Bolton who held onto her.

"What now?" She almost blushed at the sight of the boy with his hands on her once again sending her mind back to the conversation that she had previously had in the classroom.

"Your skirt is way too short ya got little boys like Dwayne over ere ogling at ya" Mr Lawson watched from the top of the stairs as Paul flicked the back of Dwayne's head as the kid shook his head out of the trance Melody had put him in.

"I don't see why that's your problem?" Melody folded her arms across her chest and noticed how Bolton glanced down at her chest area as she did so licking his lips contently thinking of all sorts of filthy things.

"Cause men are much better for you, babes" It was blatantly obvious that Bolton was referring to himself when he spoke his next sentence thinking his words would work perf well with her but he obviously didn't know her well enough.

"I don't see any round here and to answer your comment my skirt is perfectly fine this way, assholes" Shooting the insult at the boys who had stopped her she took a moment before squeezing through the middle of them her body rubbing up against Bolton's as she did so.

"It sure looks so too" Bolton watched as she left her hips swaying from side to side and her long bare legs on view letting his thoughts roam freely about them wrapped around him.

"Sort your boys out, Sir" Melody told Mr Lawson as she passed him on the way up the stairs and the teacher couldn't help but be amused by their performance with the girl who put them in their place.


Believe it or not Melody had ended up chucked in the cooler later that day when she felt the small vibration of her mobile and heard the quiet chime it made to alert her attention.

'Headed to Cel's don't wait up' -Donte x

'Wtv' -Mel

'What's ur issue?' -Donte

'Like u don't know' -Mel

'Is this about Cel again?' -Donte

Melody decided she no longer wanted to be in a conversation with him if he was just going to make everything about his little girlfriend who didn't give a shit about him.

Donte was becoming a whole different person with her and she didn't like it at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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