Chapter 1

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There was a loud knock at my door, which could only mean one thing at this time of night. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I lifted myself off the plush couch with a disgruntled groan, the fireplace crackling a few feet away as the last few embers began to wither. The knocking came again, this time more urgently.

"What do you want?" I sighed, glancing down at my bare legs. Nothing but an oversized blouse covered my fit form, barely reaching my upper thighs. Annoyed that whoever was standing on the opposite side of my large oak door did not deign an answer, I decided they would just have to deal with it. It was almost midnight and everyone knew, everyone that mattered anyway, that I did not like to be bothered after sundown. I flung open the door, its ancient hinges squeaking in protest as the frigid air sent a river of shivers down my spine.

I blinked a few times in brief confusion at the man who now stood before me. His face was a masterpiece of sharp, angular lines graced with thin lips and piercing amber eyes shadowed by thick lashes. Long black hair flowed loosely over his shoulders and down his chest, pointed ears peeked out of the board straight tendrils. It took me a moment to notice that he also looked like he had been dragged from the comfort of his home against his will, judging by the deep shadows under his eyes and the fact he always made it a point to keep his hair in a tight knot atop his head. His leather armor had been pulled on hap-hazardly, a few buckles left unattended to which was very unlike him.

"Averen," I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes while trying to ignore the bumps rising along my forearms. "Unless you're here to apologize for what happened in training today and return my weapon to me, you can fuck off." A muscle twitched in his jaw but that was the only emotion he allowed me to see through his stony expression, which was actually quite a bit considering I was never able to read the man even after knowing him for almost seventy years now. He was on edge... shit. "We both know it was your inability to control your temper that forced me to take that damn blade," He growled, "but that isn't why I'm here."

My lips pulled into a thin line and I had to fight the urge to slam the door in his face. As satisfying as it would be, it would only get me into more trouble. "You're on the patrol leaving at dawn. I had sent Onas earlier to inform you that you were needed, but..." He hesitated, a shadow seeming to fall over his features for a split second before returning to his normal emotionless state. Unease settled in my stomach as his gaze flicked behind me before meeting mine once more. "We need a medic. You'll just have to do." Something was wrong. It wasn't unusual for Averen to call me out on missions at the last minute, in fact I expected it more often than not, but this was different.

"What happened to Onas?" Averen was silent for a moment, the only sign of his discomfort was the slight downturn of the corner of his mouth. Not good. He glanced around cautiously to the empty courtyard behind him for any signs of movement. Before he could ask I stepped aside, holding the door open for him to enter without another word. He nodded slightly and stepped into the foyer, pulling off his leather gloves and wringing the cold from his hands. Closing the door, I walked over to the small kitchenette lining the left wall of the main room as Averen moved past me, glancing around my small cottage with something akin to curiosity. "Tea?" I asked, and he gave a barely noticeable nod before pausing in front of my overflowing bookshelf and furrowing his brows.

"Still reading these filthy books I see..." He murmured, "You should borrow one. You might actually learn a thing or two." I sneered and held back a chuckle at his responding scoff. "I'd rather have Corym use them for kindling."

"He knows better. Plus he enjoys them too, so good luck with that." Averen's look of disgust brought a sly grin to my lips. "I'm sure Sylvie would love to read a few chapters to you. Maybe the one with the extensive paint scene and-"

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