Chapter 8

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Before I could move, three dhampir emerged from the edge of the clearing, looking bloodied and exhausted as they dragged a limp form between them. Black blood trailed behind them staining the snow and as they got closer what was left of my heart stopped. My eyes roamed over the bloodied hair, the beard, the scarred hands from swinging hammers and working metal his whole life. My father wasn't moving, he was barely even breathing as the dhampir stopped, glancing between me and their leader.

"This one put up a pretty good fight..." One of them stammered, "It took us a little longer and he took out quite a few of us." The leader glanced between me and them, noticing the look on my face. "Take him somewhere else." Was all he said before one of the Dhampir shook his head lightly. "Coranith, he actually has some pretty useful information... We thought you might want to speak with him first." Coranith. I burned his name into my brain as I took a step towards the Dhampir holding my father. "Let him go." I growled as Coranith watched us carefully. "Let. My. Father. Go." I hissed, taking another step.

Coranith cursed just as I took off, closing the distance between the two Dhampir, and he sprinted after me. Just before I reached them a massive body crashed into mine and sent me flying into the hard earth, knocking the air out of my lungs as I gasped on cold ground. Corinith was straddling my waist in an instant, pinning my wrists painfully beside my head as he turned to the two Dhampir, rage dancing across his eyes. "Take him out of here and deal with him." He growled as I finally caught my breath and a cry of pure rage escaped my lips. He grunted as I thrashed against him, kicking and screaming until my lungs burned. "Now!" He ordered and the Dhampir's eyes went wide before dragging my father away and out of sight. He didn't even look up, didn't fight back as they carried him away. They were going to kill him the moment they left this clearing and I wasn't sure I could take losing another person I loved so soon. I screamed again and pushed hard, with every ounce of strength I had left and managed to get my wrists only a few inches off the ground. Coranith tightened his grip, slamming them back down into the ground sending my blade flying from my hand.

"Stop!" He growled but I continued to thrash and managed to land a hard kick to his inner thigh. "I said stop damnit!" He roared and I lunged to whatever I was able to sink my teeth into, biting down hard on his arm until I felt bone crunch beneath and blood filled my mouth. He cursed and I didnt let go until he loosened his grip enough for me to struggle free and grab for my knife, spitting his blood onto the snow beside us. My fingers wrapped around its smooth handle just as Coranith managed to grab my ankle, yanking me back towards him with a growl. I twisted and felt a satisfying crack as my free boot made contact with his jaw and a string of curses flew from his bloodied lips. He didn't release my ankle though, and instead pulled me through the grass until his body was over mine and I managed to swing the knife once, barely knicking his chest above his armor before he pinned my wrists above my head this time. He looked away for a moment and called out a name, but I wasn't paying attention through my blind rage as he flicked his gaze back to me. I lunged forward and slammed my forehead right into his nose. He roared as blood trickled down onto my face and the look in his eyes finally snapped me from my bloodlust.

"Stop!" He screamed, baring his fangs only inches away and I froze, eyes wide. I didn't struggle, didn't move, and that look sent a wave of shock and horror through me so fast I didnt even dare to breathe. His eyes roamed over my face and instantly softened the tiniest bit, something like shame crossing it before he took a steadying breath.

"You saw his blood. You know what happens don't you?" He growled and I only blinked in response. I did know what happened, if only in part. I had seen it before, many years ago. Another drop of Coranith's blood landed on my cheek and dripped down the side of my face. "You know there is no cure for what is happening to them." I blinked again. There was a cure... it was death. "You also know something about it that we need. I can tell by that damn look in your eyes when you touched the blood, and by the look of your friend."

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