Chapter 12

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My heart stopped. What kind of choice was that? Join them or die? Was I never going to be free again and forced to stay with the people who killed everyone I ever cared about even if they had been infected. I didn't speak, only stared at Coranith with wide eyes, my mind racing.

"There is more." He said, watching me carefully. "If you do choose to stay, you will be forced to sign the book, forfeiting your old name and memories for a new one. A new life. You will forget about everything that has happened to you, all of the people you have lost, and never be able to regain those memories."

"Why?" I breathed, unable to say anything else.

"Not only does it ensure I don't end up with a knife in my back, but it makes it easier for those that choose to join to be able to do what needs to be done without questioning my orders. All they know is that they are fighting for a good cause, and I'm only telling you this because you are a special case. The only others who know of the book's existence are my generals, and normally I just have new members sign it without telling them what it does."

I shook my head, there was no way I was going to forget about everything that had happened. I never wanted to forget those cherished memories with Corym and Sylvie. I didn't even want to forget Corym's death, or my fathers, or Thalia's, or Katar's. No matter how much pain it brought me I would never choose to forget. If I did, then nobody alive would even know they ever existed. Everyone who knew them was dead, I was the last one who would be able to carry on their memories, their stories. There was no way in hell I was going to sign that book.

"I have a proposition." Aithlin said quietly and my wide eyes flew to his. "What if she signs my tome instead? Making it to where she can't hurt any of us, or escape, but still retains her memories?"

The corner of Coranith's lips tugged down slightly as he thought it over. "Why offer this now? You have never done so before." He said cautiously.

"Look at her face and tell me she's going to sign your book. She's too much of an asset to lock away only to kill her later. Don't tell me you disagree." Coranith's eyes wandered over the lines of my face, taking in every detail. His expression was unreadable as he looked to Aithlin, doing the same. "I have to agree with Aithlin. I've seen that look many times. She has too much to lose from signing your book and would rather choose death than let those memories die in vain." Minerva said carefully. Coranith sighed, returning his gaze to me.

"I don't like it, but it's your choice."

Either way I realized my fate was sealed, and that thought made me hate the goddess of fate for all that she has thrown my way. I silently cursed her name, wishing that I could have just had a normal life. One without fighting, without death, and just live my days in peace. I knew cursing her name wouldn't help anything, it might even anger her, but after a moment I decided that signing a book was better than death. Maybe, just maybe I could find a way around whatever spell bound me to these people and in order to do that, I had to remember.

"I'll sign Aithlin's tome."

Aithlin grinned as Leif came up and clapped me on the shoulder. "Welcome to the clan lass." He chuckled and my gaze wandered to where Coranith was frowning, eyes fixed on Aithlin. "We can have the naming ceremony tomorrow night then." He said, tearing his gaze away to meet mine. "And after that, we will celebrate the naming of our newest member."

I hadn't realized how tired I was until Coranith led me to one of the many spare rooms down in the cavern and I now found myself sprawled across a plush full size bed with one too many pillows gracing the aged quilt atop it. My ribs and jaw ached but I didn't care as I buried my face into the rough blankets. Too much had happened in one day and I was exhausted. The cut on my brow was already mostly healed, which I assumed was another Dhampir trait that I didn't know about.

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