Chapter 7

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My world shattered then. Something in my chest just cracked and splintered until there was nothing left but dust. I took a small step forward, hot tears streaming down my cheeks as ash fell around us. Bright red blood stained the cobblestone under my feet and led all the way to where his limp body now laid. I took another step, my eyes catching the faint movement in his chest. Rushing forward, I crouched beside him and gently cupped his face in my hands, trying to ignore the horrific gaping wound in his chest that still bled heavily with every beat of his heart. Trying to ignore how his robes had been completely shredded and his legs were turned at odd angles. The smell of iron was overwhelming, mingled with that of the smoke and a faint earthy aroma.

"Corym... Corym please wake up." I sobbed, unable to stop the raw emotion clogging my throat. His eyes fluttered open weakly, and slowly met mine. A small smile tugged at his lips, showing off those stupid dimples as he took a ragged breath. His chest heaving at the effort.

"Hey El..." He said weakly, tears beginning to streak down his bloodied cheeks. "Told you I'd be at the fountain." I wiped away his tears with shaking hands. His wounds were too severe and he had lost too much blood. My best friend was about to die. Right here under this damn fountain and there was nothing I could do...

"Don't leave me." I begged, my voice cracking as I leaned forward and pressed my forehead to his, feeling his cold skin against mine. He reached up and cupped my face in his hands, trembling as he gently stroked my cheek with his thumbs.

"You know I would never leave you." He whispered, taking another ragged breath. "I will always be with you, no matter where you go." I choked on another sob as I closed my eyes, unable to bear the thought of living without him by my side. He had always been there, through everything. I tried to tell myself that this was all some sick twisted dream. That I would wake up any minute and none of this would have ever happened. That tomorrow we would be sitting on my couch by the fire laughing over some stupid book.

"We have kitchen duty for the next month, how am I going to do it without you?" A broken laugh escaped my lips and when I opened my eyes I could see his smile widen, and through the pain clouding his eyes was such raw emotion it took my breath away.

"Promise me something El." He choked out, blood coating his lips as a ragged cough shook his body. "Promise me you wont stop fighting, that you won't give up." He took another long breath, shaking as his eyes bore into mine. "Promise me you won't let them darken the heart of the only person I've ever truly loved." I mustered up as much of a smile as I could as I pressed my lips to his forehead gently.

"I promise." I whispered softly and pulled away, meeting his eyes once more. He coughed again, crying out in pain as his body jerked and his hands fell to his chest. I clutched his head and pulled it to my chest, cradling it tightly and trying to just hold on to him. To keep him from slipping away.

"It's okay, you're going to be ok." I whispered over and over again, even after the convulsions stopped and he fell still. Even after his chest stopped moving and I could no longer feel his heart beating. Even after his body grew cold and stiff and the ash began to coat the both of us in a fine dust. I just sat there with my face buried in his hair and cried until the tears would no longer come and my own body began to feel stiff.

When I finally lifted my head I knew that I was being watched, but didn't care. All I could do was stare at the mess that was once Corym's chest. At the blood, the red blood coating his robes, my hands, the cobblestone street around us. Somehow I knew that he wasn't supposed to be killed here, today. This was not supposed to happen. I also knew that I was not about to leave his body here for the Dhampir to drag off gods knows where and do gods knows what with. I had to move, and keep fighting like I promised. Even if it was so damn hard.

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