Chapter 6

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My breath came in ragged gasps as whatever concoction Sylvie had made began to take full effect. I could feel the adrenaline fading away as my heart slowed until the edges of my vision began to fade. No. I tried to fight against it, focusing on that pain racking my body, allowing it to ground me. I focused on Corym, knowing that if I don't move, didn't fight past the darkness threatening to envelop my senses, he might not make it through the day. He burned a good portion of his magic in the fight. He wouldn't admit it, but I knew just by the paleness of his skin just before Averen dragged him off that his magic reserves were dwindling. I had to get up. I had to fight.

The thought had me rolling over in the snow, painfully slow, until I was on my stomach. Every movement threatened to send me into that dark abyss, but I kept fighting. I braced my hands on the frigid ground, then my knees. Well... one of them. I was vaguely aware that not just my thigh was numb, but my entire left leg. It hung like a dead weight beneath me as I crawled over to the nearest tree, using it to help brace my good leg beneath me and slowly rise to my feet. My head spun as I held on to the rough bark tightly, my lungs burning with the effort of breathing alone. I couldn't hear anything over the roar in my head, but the weight of my pack and satchel on my side was almost overbearing. I shrugged them off, allowing them to fall to the snowy ground and glanced over to see my scimitar laying discarded in the snow a few feet away.

I couldn't bring it with me, it would only slow me down. To part with it though just added to the pain in my chest. I would have to come back and hope it would still be here. I considered using it as a crutch for a moment, then realized the blades would only get in the way and I would potentially injure myself further.

Glancing down at my thigh, I noticed the blood had slowed to barely a trickle but the gash was still deep. It would take hours for the healing potion to seal the wound, and even then a nasty scar would remain. My eyes moved to the next tree, only a few feet away, and I took a deep breath. My left leg was useless, but I could do this. I could make it back. I had to.

I lunged, throwing my body with as much strength as I could muster and barely made it, clutching the bark and cringing as my nails dug in painfully. I didnt allow myself to hesitate as I moved to the next one. Then another. Every time I moved from tree to tree the edges of my vision blurred further and further and I could feel my strength failing me. I made it to the bottom of the ridge before my legs completely gave out as I jumped for a large boulder. I cursed as I sank to the leaf littered floor, resting my forehead against the cool stone as I fought to stay awake.

My mind didn't register the sound of footsteps approaching behind me, his voice was distant and I couldn't make out what he was saying. I didn't even look as a figure crouched beside me, a warm hand roughly grabbed my shoulder and froze. Suddenly I was no longer facing the stone, but felt its rough edges digging into my back as my eyes came back into focus. Teal eyes were fixed on mine for a moment before flicking down to my shredded thigh. He leaned down, and cursed as he caught the scent of the potion I had used.

"What did you take?" He hissed, and I blinked as I finally was able to understand what he was saying. He demanded again and through my haze all I was able to manage was a wicked toothy grin. He cursed again and this time my grin faded, and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why do you care?" I croaked, my throat felt like sandpaper as I tilted my head slightly. A few loose strands of hair fell over my face and I noticed it was no longer an ash white, but stained a deep red from the blood that no doubt covered my entire body. He groaned, rolling his eyes as he turned to inspect my thigh.

"Because you might actually be useful, and believe it or not were not monsters... not completely anyway." I choked out a hoarse laugh, my anger from earlier roiling in my gut and fighting off the darkness once more. My head felt more clear, so I let the anger fester within me.

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