Chapter Five

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Peter's POV

That night I hardly slept. Nikki was a friend now, and even though I didn't want to pry, I couldn't help wondering, and occasionally asking what was wrong. The fear of making noise, never eating when I offered her things, the falling...she really worried me. I wanted to be helpful, but she couldn't seem to trust me.

By morning, I had the beginnings of an idea that I hoped would work.

"Hey, Mr. Stark." I jumped in front of him as he was walking through the kitchen, leaving him nowhere to hide from me.

"What do you want this time, kid."

"I want to let Nikki live here. At the tower."

He raised an eyebrow, looking at me questioningly. "You want your...friend to Why?"

I spoke quickly, not allowing myself time to back out. "Because she's only my age and she's living alone and I looked it up and rent prices are going up like a lot and I just think she could use a place to stay." I left out the other worries I had for her, knowing that they'd come up eventually anyways.

He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, then seemed to change his mind and sighed instead.


My eyes widened, surprised that it had only taken this much to convince him. "Really?"

"She's here with you so often anyways...I suppose it wouldn't even really make that much of a difference. So fine."

"Thank you Mr. Stark!" In my excitement, I impulsively grabbed him in a quick hug, then went to my room to text Nikki.

Nikki's POV

I groaned as my phone buzzed for what felt like the hundredth time. Who in the world texts this many times in five minutes?? I tried going back to the book I was reading, but after a few minutes curiosity got the better of me. I tapped my phone screen so that it would turn on and looked at the latest message.

Petey Boy
So, you want to?

Confused, I unlocked my screen and scrolled through all the messages - apparently forty-eight exactly. As I read, my eyes widened and almost filled with tears. He cared this much to ask Tony freaking Stark - the billionaire and superhero - if I could live with them??

I struggled putting my response into words, knowing my bank account would thank me if I took him up on the offer, but I also didn't want to intrude and be a hassle. I mean...Stark Towers was where the Avengers lived, for crying out loud. I would just be out of place. Plus, they would eventually find things out about me that I do not want them knowing. I kept drafting and then deleting messages to respond, until finally I just settled on a simple answer.

I'll think about it, thanks

Peter's POV least she responded. Sure, maybe it hadn't been the enthusiastic yes I was hoping for, but at least it wasn't a no. I just really wanted to be able to help her, but she made it so difficult sometimes.

Well, let me know when you decide :D

Minni Nikki


In the meantime, we kept hanging out often. I didn't press the question, but I did bring it up every so often. After a few days of her putting off answering clearly, I decided that I needed a yes or no. Preferably a yes. School was going to be starting up soon, and I knew that the one we attended wasn't super cheap. Finally, I decided to confront her in person, so that she had no way of escaping without answering.

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