☏ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☏

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𝙄 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩...

When I woke up the next morning, Sheriff Burke had come to fetch me, he took me out of my cell, explained how once again, I was released, but that didn't mean I was off the hook. I was given back my clothes that I had worn last night, my phone, and any other little things I had.

I had avoided Billy at all costs. Whenever I did see him, I made sure to give him a sharp glare, to which he only gave me a blank stare back.

I didn't care that his phone records were clean, I didn't care that he had come out innocent, I just didn't care. I just knew it had to be him....it had to be.


I now currently sat in the front and main room of the jail, handcuffed as I sit on the small bench they had, feeling some of the stares of officers or the office workers in the jail, but I ignored them all and stared silently at one of the empty white walls in he jail.

I had to sit here until the one who was picking me up arrived, hopefully soon. I glance over at he clock on the wall and saw that it was currently five in the morning to which I frowned and shook my head as I then stared down at the floor.

Since when the fuck do I wake up at five or earlier in the morning? How am I even active right now?...

...all those were dumb questions to ask myself, because the answer was literally the situation that was happening to me right now.

I kept drifting off in my own thoughts until I heard two familiar voices talking to Sheriff Burke, causing me to slowly turn in the direction I heard them and stare.

There stood Billy, in the clothes he had wore last night, standing next to his father, Hank Loomis, as they talked calmly to Sheriff Burke.

Hank Loomis. This man was literally the older version of Billy, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin, the literal version of an older Billy. Of course, there was small feature differences, but he looks exactly like Billy. This man was also a lawyer and had the lawyer attitude, so I wasn't surprised that he was here.

Once both Loomis men had finished talking to Sheriff Burke, both had then walked away, on their way out of the jail, both of them walking passed me. Hank had given me a small worried look, before then changing his expression to a look of seriousness as he gave me a firm nod and walked passed me.

Billy on the other hand, had flat out ignored me and just walked passed me with a blank stare, to which I scoffed.

"Loomis got himself a lawyer, his own daddy to bail him out..." I had said quietly under my breath as I watch Billy walk away with a glare.

I watched as Billy had stopped for a few seconds, as if debating whether or not to answer to me, before then continuing to walk away after his father, ignoring me as they both walked out of the jail.

I just sigh quietly as I then looked to he side and ended up looking directly at Sheriff Burke. Sheriff Burke stared at me with a calm expression as he walked over to me.

"...sometimes you need to think before you speak kid...that was uncalled for and you know that" Sheriff Burke said quietly to me to which I didn't reply as I silently turned away and looked to the side.

"...who's coming to get me anyways?" I then ask Sheriff Burke quietly after a few seconds to which Sheriff Burke sighed as he leaned against the wall, debating whether or not to answer me.

Before Sheriff Burke could answer me, the doors to the front and main room of the jail suddenly open, causing me to turn to see who it was.

Only for me to freeze as my eyes had widened I'm shock when I had saw who walked in, my mouth opening slightly, speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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