waxing crescent

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The whole dance class looked at me.

"O-oops. I-I me-mean y-yay...?"

"Ms. Wang, if you have a problem with who your partner is, just let me know, hm?"

"No! No no no. It's not that! I'm just...shocked." I nodded, reassuring myself that I made a good save.

What a lie.

It felt as if they could see right through me!

Oh well.

Yeah... my dance partner is Euijoo...

Out of all the possible outcomes for my current situation, it just had  to be this one.

EJ then approached me.

"Hey, Nikki." I was in a daze, the way my name rolled off of his tongue had me in a choke hold, "If you don't want to be my partner, it's okay. I get it! You don't have to lie. I didn't think that you would want to partner with someone like me anyway..." EJ trailed off and looked down.

I frowned at his words, "What's that supposed to mean? Euijoo, you're a great guy, and I really do want to be your partner. Don't degrade yourself. Especially not for me. I'm not that great."

"Not that great? Nikki, you're awesome! I would go into detail, but we should get ready to go. Class is about to end-" Just as that happened, the bell rung.

"Ah, yeah. We should go now, right?" I asked.

"Sure! C-can I w-walk you to cl-class? Since they're in the s-same hallway?" EJ scratched his nape, and I could see him blushing a little.

I smiled back at him being so cute, "Of course! Let's go?"

EJ nodded and we grabbed our stuff, and headed to class.

I had no clue on how to start a conversation. 

While we were walking, a bunch of my admirers were greeting me on the way to class.

I felt kinda awkward...

So, I grabbed EJ's wrist. I would've held his hand, but I was too scared.

EJ looked at me. He smiled at me, and we continued to walk.

But, we ended up in front of my class.


"S-so, i'll catch you later? Maybe at the nightball game?"

I immediately nodded. Agreeing to what he was saying, without even fully taking it into consideration.

"Yeah, of course! I'll be there! You, my other friends, and my brother are gonna play. So I can't miss it. And it's the first game of the season!"

"Yeah! That's really great! I can't wait to see you. Bye, Nikki!" EJ waved at me before walking away to his class, which was right next door.

I waved back and walked into the classroom, and sat at my desk, next to Maki.

"Somebody was holding somebody's hand, hmmm?" He said in a teasing tone, wiggling his eyebrows.

"It wasn't his hand, Hirota. Just his wrist."

I rolled my eyes, and thought about me and EJ's conversation.

I realized what I had just agreed upon.

"Maki... I just agreed to watching nightball."


Selenophobia- Byun Euijoo ffWhere stories live. Discover now