waning crescent

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It was pretty loud and chaotic in my house that day. I mean, what do you expect when there's seven people under one roof?

Nicholas was still out with my mom, so they weren't home yet.

I was sitting on the couch, cuddled next to Ej, when Yuma approached me.

"Nikki, I feel so lonely. Maki and Minki are flirting, and you're over here with Euijoo!" He frowned.

I slightly giggled, "Why don't you talk to Yaeko? She seems lonely too." I whispered in his ear, "And pretty."

Yuma looked back at her, "I guess she is kind of pretty." He softly smiled.

"Go talk to her!" I gave a pat on his back before he went over to sit by her.

I could tell that it wouldn't be long before they ended up together.

Then, I looked over to find Minki and Maki.

Yuma was right, they were smiling and giggling together.

"I guess we all found our people." I leaned my head on Euijoo's shoulder.

He smiled, "We did."


That night, we all had to share rooms with each other.

I shared rooms with the girls, while the boys split between two rooms.

Yaeko, Minki and I were laughing and talking about life, when I got a message on my phone coming from a unknown number.

I frowned, "What's this?" I asked to no one in particular.

It was a picture of two people kissing. The setting was at night, with a waning crescent moon in the background. Which lead me to believe that this picture was taken tonight.


"What's wrong, Nikki?" Yaeko asked.

I beckoned for them to come closer to me.

They gasped when they saw the photo.

"Isn't that..." Yaeko trailed off.

I shook my head, "I can't be. I mean, we haven't been dating for long, but I don't think he would do this. Right?" I asked to be reassured.

"He better not." Minki glared at the phone.

I stood up, "I-I think i'm gonna get some fresh air."

The girls nodded.

"Be careful, Nikki." Yaeko said.

"Yeah, stay safe!" Minki added.

I weakly smiled, and headed to the front porch. I reluctantly looked up at the moon, shocked that I hadn't started crying yet.

I decided to take out my phone and ask Nicholas something.


10:38 pm


is euijoo still there?

uh nope

he said he had to go home really 

why? is something wrong

ahh, no. everything's fine

thanks tho



I know that it's not good to speculate, and come to conclusions without much evidence, but I just couldn't help myself.

I didn't know what to do. 

I didn't want to believe that Euijoo would ever cheat on me, but I had a slight urge to feel that way.

That's when I got another text from the same person.

It was a video.

A video of the same girl and Euijoo making out.

I didn't know what to do.

I felt mixes of anger, betrayal, confusion, and sadness all at the same time.

Was I the problem?

I decided to hold my tears, and go back to my room.

I opened my door. Yaeko and Minki were waiting for me.

"Do you feel better now?" 

With that question, I bursted into tears.

It was as if a river dam broke, and all of the water was out of control.

"What happened?" Minki asked, rubbing my shoulder.

I just pushed my phone towards them, hearing gasps seconds later.

"How could he?!?" Yaeko asked in horror.


I could barely even speak.

"Shh, it okay. We'll get back at him. You were too good for him anyways." Minki hugged me.

I still couldn't believe it.

I still didn't want to believe it.

"I thought h-he lov-ed me." I covered my face with my hands.

"I thought so too. Boys are dumb though. And Euijoo is especially dumb for doing this to you." Yaeko said.

I slowly nodded, trying to agree with her words.

Part of me was mad.

But part of me believed that something wasn't right with how everything happened so suddenly.


The next day, I went out early to clear my mind. 

When I was walking out, I thought about Euijoo, and Euijoo only. But I put on my headphones, and a calming playlist to clear my mind a bit.

Despite the lightly booming beats of "Love Story" by P1Harmony, I just couldn't get my mind off of the whole situation with EJ.

I did not believe everything that had happened.

But how could I not believe it when the evidence was put right before me.

As if reading my thoughts, I felt a light tap on my left shoulder.

I turned around, wanted to know who tapped me.

My face became long after I noticed who it was. 

"Euijoo..." I said breathlessly under my breath.

"Oh my gosh, Nikki!" He smiled, and was about to hug me, but I stopped him.

"I really cannot do this right now." I shook my hands, motioning that I did not want to talk to him.

"W-what's wrong?" He asked, seemingly confused on the situation.

"I..." I trailed off, "I just need some time." 

With that, I walked to school.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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