waning gibbous

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The next day, I woke up to my brother shouting my name.

"Yuel! Get up, I'm making breakfast!"

I slowly rubbed my eyes.

I walked over to the bathroom to take my shower.

Once I got out, I dried my hair, and brushed my teeth.

I did my skincare, and picked out an outfit.

I decided to wear some flare leggings and a oversized t-shirt.

I brushed my hair, then went downstairs.

Down there, I was greeted by my brother and my mom.

"Goodmorning, mom." She smiled at me.

"Ah, my beautiful girl. Goodmorning." She hugged me and we both sat down at the table.

I love my mom so much.

She's so tough and went through a lot.

Around ten years ago, she and my late father got into a car crash. Only my mom survived. I was seven, and Nicholas was eight.

My dad dying still gets me sad, but my he would want me to push through everything and get over him.

He also gave my brother and I our nicknames 'Nicholas' and 'Nikki'

I got snapped back to reality when my brother set some pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of me.

"Thank you Yixiang~" I smiled.

He just shook his head and sat down in his seat on the other side of our mom.

Then, as I was eating, I got a text.

I looked at my phone

It was from Euijoo.

I immediately smiled.

JooJoo 😘

8:43 am

goodmorning loveee
did you rest up well?

goodmorning and yes I did<33
and u?


Nicholas snatched my phone out of my hand.


I rolled my eyes and stuffed my mouth with my pancake.

My mom chuckled.

"You kids should hurry up to be at school on time." I nodded and stuffed my face with the rest of my food, practically inhaling it all.

"Wang Yueliang! Where are your manners?!?" Nicholas exclaimed.

'At least i'm done eating...' I thought to myself.

I put on some Converse's and grabbed my backpack.

"Let's go, Nicho!" I wiggled his car keys in my hand.

And we headed off to school.


When I entered the building, I saw Euijoo near my locker.

I guess I was struggling to fight the urge of running over to him and hugging him, because when I reached him, he started chuckling.

"What?" I asked, confused.

Selenophobia- Byun Euijoo ffWhere stories live. Discover now