third quarter

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After history class, I went to my locker to get my books for my physics class.

Then, this girl that i've seen before, but never talked to, came up to me.

"Nikki?" She asked.

I smiled at her, "Hi, is it Yaeko?" I asked, making sure I knew her name.

"Yeah! But I was wondering if you were really dating Yuma...?" She fiddled with her fingers.

I immediately denied, "NO! No, most defiantly not. We're only friends. I don't even know how the rumor got around."

She sighed in relief, "Oh thank goodness!" She covered her mouth.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't mean it like that! I'm so sorry!" She bowed.

I just smiled, "No, no. It's okay!" I assured her, "But I have a question. Do you like Yuma?"

She blushed vigorously, "You're really nice, so I can trust you." She whispered in my ear, "I've liked him ever since primary school." She then looked down at the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'll help you guys get together!" I jumped up and down.

"Really?" She asked.

I nodded, "It would be nice to see Yuma with someone as nice and pretty as you!"

Yaeko hugged me, "Thank you so much, Nikki!" 

"Of course!"

"You have physics next, right?" She asked me.

I nodded.

"Great! Let's go!" And with that, we went to our next class.


Yaeko and I sat next to each other in class, passing notes to each other on how our plan might work.

We finally decided on getting her to hang out with Yuma, Maki and I.

I also explained to her about my current predicament.

She understood and wanted to help me out as well!

And soon enough, it was time for lunch, and one of Yaeko's friends approached us.

"Hi, can I sit with you guys." 

"Of course!" Yaeko and I said in unison.

The girl turned to me, "Woah, you're much prettier up close."

I blushed, "A-ahh, t-thanks."

She smiled, "I'm Minki, by the way."

"It's nice to meet you, Minki." 

"Oh! Minki over here has a little crush on Maki." Yaeko exposed.

"What! I do not! All he does is make fun of me all day! He's so annoying." She pouted, eating her food.

I just laughed, "Enemies to lovers I see. Don't worry, he likes you too." I patted Minki's shoulder. 

Her ears turned pink, "I- r-really?" She asked.

I nodded, "I will help you two get together as well!" 

"As well? So you already know about how Yaeko likes Yuma?" Minki asked.

Selenophobia- Byun Euijoo ffWhere stories live. Discover now