full moon

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"A s-secret?" he asked. He looked down.

"Yeah... but let me explain." I said, "Y'know all those guys that give me letters and unrelentlessly confess to me?" Euijoo nodded.

"Well, i've read some of their letters. And they sounded like total yanderes! I just want you to feel safe, JooJoo. Please don't think that I'm ashamed of you." I held his hand in comfort.

"But, I'll be alright." his voice was shaking from tearing up.

Which ended up making me tear up.

"EJ please don't cry. I'm so sorry. But we don't know for sure if you will be okay." I put my head in his chest sniffling because of crying.

Euijoo wrapped his arms around me, "Nikki, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you would cry." I shook my head, letting him know that it was fine, "I guess, I should agree."

"R-really?" I looked up at him.

He nodded, "Mhm, I'll do anything for you. And since it makes you worried, i'll make sure that you're not."

"Thank you EJ." I hugged him even tighter.

"I love you so much, Nikki." he said in my ear. Then, the bell rang and we headed to our next class.


At Euijoo's house the next week, him and I were making choreography for MONSTA X's 'Happy Without Me'

"How about we go like this." he demonstrated this dance move that was far beyond my level.

"How did you even do that?!?" I questioned, being confused about it.

"Here, let me see your hand." and I held out my hand for him to show me. 

He slowed it down for me, "Then, you go like that. then like this."

I was just looking at him through the mirror

"W-wait. Could you do that again? Sorry."

He just smiled and moved my arms to help me to the move.

"Ohh! I get it now!" I jumped up and down in excitement.

Euijoo just watched me, "So cute."

I looked up at him.

"Are you hungry yet?"

I shook my head.

But then, my stomach betrayed me.

It started to rumble.

Euijoo smiled, "I think we should take a break."

I pouted.

EJ came closer to me.

"You're poking out your lips like you want me to kiss them. Do you?" he playfully smugged.

"And what if I do?" I, not believing him, challenged.

"Oh, so you want me to take your first kiss, huh?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"If you say so~" and just as our lips were about to touch, he pulled away.

"Nuh uh. Looks like someone needs to eat first." I rolled my eyes.

"Not even a little peck?" I asked, but he just walked to the kitchen, "Please!"

I followed him and jumped on his back.

"I'll do anything. Please."

"You'll even announce our relationship?"

I stopped moving.

Selenophobia- Byun Euijoo ffWhere stories live. Discover now