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Scarlett's POV

"How do I look?" I question as I put on my last outfit for the Countess modeling shoot.

We beat Ireland in both games pretty easily and now we're back with Arsenal.

We've got 12 points from our first four games, we won our group already, and we're cemented in the Nations League semi's which is great.

I scored 3 goals between both matches which means I've scored 7 goals in my first four caps which is great for me.

"Beautiful baby." Leah says.

"I'm so glad we're almost done." Jasmine says.

"Why Jazzy?" I innocently ask.

"Because our cuddle date back at your place is gonna be great." Jasmine says.

"That date better involve food." Leah says as she and Jasmine walk over to me.

"Oh it will." Jasmine says as my girlfriend's get to me.

"Are we alone in here?" I question.

"Yeah Scar." Leah says.

"Good." I say. "Because I really wanna kiss you two, but I don't know who to kiss first."

"Want us to take the lead?" Jasmine asks.

"Yes please." I say then my girlfriend's kiss me at the same time. "MMMM."

After my girlfriend's kiss me, Jasmine kisses me then Leah Kisses me.

"I'm gonna need more of that." I say with a dopey smile.

"Agreed." My girlfriends say then they kiss.

"Ooh that's hot." I say as my ladies break their kiss. "Before we leave I'd sort your dicks out."

Wordlessly Leah and Jasmine adjust their dicks then we leave the changing room and head back into the massive studio to do our last look that we're modeling for Countess.

The people that are here to model is the 30 person Arsenal squad, Bella, Tobin, Christen, Alex, and Emma Harris.

"You three are up next Scar." Lavender says as she grabs a new camera then she starts taking pictures of the Heath's.

"Sweet." I say.

"So how was your first camp as a coach?" Steph Catley asks as she looks at Jasmine.

Before last camp Jasmine was hired as an Assistant Manager/Outside Backs coach for England which Scarlett and I were very happy about.

Jasmine said yes to the opportunity cause she doesn't know if she wants to do just broadcasting after her career ends.

Leah and I also think she just didn't want to be away from us which is more than fine with us.

Now I get to fall asleep with my ladies during camp.

"It was good." Jasmine says. "It's nice being the coach and the outside backs seemed to actually want to listen to what I have to say."

"I hope your not giving them all your secrets." Jessie says.

"Nope." Jasmine says.

"Good." Jessie says.

"Did it seem like something you'd want to do after your playing days?" Lotte asks.

"Uh maybe." Jasmine says. "I really like broadcasting so if being a coach gets in the way of that I don't wanna do it."

"How'd the American public react to you three commentating?" Teyah Goldie asks.

"We've had nothing, but positive feedback so I guess they liked us commentating." Leah says.

"Did you three like it?" Katie asks.

"It was so much fun." I say with a smile.

"Are you gonna do it again?" Madeline asks.

"If we have time." Jasmine says. "Which hopefully we do."

"Hey Scar." Naomi says as the song we're listening to changes. "It's your song."

"It is." I say with a smile as I listen to the only song I've ever released publicly.

Dutch kids huff balloons in the parking lot
The golden arches illuminate the business park
I eat myself to death, feed the corporate machine
I watch the movies, recite every line and scene
God bless America and all of its allies
I'm not the first to live with wool over my eyes

I am so blissfully unaware of everything
Kids in Gaza are bombed and I'm just out of it
The tensions of the world are rising higher
We're probably due another war with all this ire
I'm not smart enough to change a thing
I have no answers, only questions
Don't you ask a thing

Oh, silver-tongue suits and cartoons
They rule my world
They're sayin it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
And when the bombs drop, darling
Can you say that you've lived your life?
Oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles

The cities lie like tumors all across the world
A cancer eating mankind, hitting in our blindside
They say I'm a nihilist 'cause I can't see
Any decent rhyme or reason for the life of you and me
But I believe in what I'm feeling and I'm falling for you
This world is gonna end, but till then
I'll give you everything I have
I'll give you everything I have

"Your saxophone player is very good." Emma Harris says as we listen to the sax solo.

"She was very good." I say then I start singing in the song again.

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh

Oh, silver-tongue suits and cartoons
They rule my world
They're sayin it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
When the bombs drop, darling
Can you say that you've lived your life?
Oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles

They all do the same, only their names change, honey
You can join their club if you're born into money
It's a high time for hypersonic missiles
And oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles
And oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles
Oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles

"You're a good writer." Emma says.

"And a good singer." Stina Blackstenius says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Are you gonna release more music?" Lena Oberdorf asks.

"I have no clue." I say. "The only reason I released that song was because I lost a bet to my sisters."

"WHEW." Lavender cheers making me chuckle.

"Poohead." I say.

"Scar you and your ladies are up." Lavender says.

"Come on my queens." Leah says as she grabs Jasmine and I's hands. "Let's go model."

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