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Scarlett's POV

"Alright you two." I say as I look at my ladies. "No red cards today."

We're playing Sunderland tonight.

"But Scar." Leah playfully whines. "I like red cards."

"Well if you wanna ever see me naked again then you better not get a red card tonight." I say.

"Well that's one hell of an incentive." Jessie says.

"We'll be good." Jasmine and Leah say.

"Thought so." I say as Sophia passes my ladies and I the line-up then we look at it.

1-Madeline Sow
2-Jasmine Johnston
6-Leah Williamson(C)
4-Naomi Girma
12-Emily Fox
5-Lena Oberdorf
18-Kyra Cooney-Cross
17-Jessie Harris
23-Alessia Russo
14-Scarlett Blondeau
11-Sophia Smith

After I look at the line-up, I pass it behind me then I relax for the rest of the drive while snuggling with and talking to Leah and Jasmine.

Once at the Stadium of Light, the bus parks then everyone gets off and heads to the locker room.

When we get to the locker room everyone puts their stuff down in their respective lockers.

Once my stuff is in my locker, my teammates and I head outside for the pitch inspection.

When I get onto the pitch, I stand with Leah and Jasmine as we talk to our teammates for a few minutes then we head back to the locker room to get ready for the game.

Once I get to my locker I take out my nose ring then I take off my necklaces, earrings, bracelet, and my rings.

After my jewelry is off, I put my jewelry in it's safe then I put my jewelry safe, phone, and wallet in my bag.

Once I'm jewelry free I take off my tracksuit and put my long dark brown hair up in a ponytail then I put on my warm up top and my game shorts.

I then sit down in my locker and put on my socks, my shin pads and my red boots.

Once I'm dressed, I stand up, walk out of the locker room, and head onto the field with the outfield players.

When I get on the pitch I run through my warm ups with the starters for a while then we head back to the locker room.

Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into my baby blue jersey while Tobin does her last minute talks.

When the last minute talks end we are told to head to the tunnel so I hug and kiss Leah and Jasmine before I head out to the tunnel.

Once in the tunnel, I line-up in-between Madeline and Jasmine then I wait for us to be called out.

Minutes later we are told to head out onto the field for the prematch stuff so I follow Madeline out onto the field.

Once on the field we stand in line for a few seconds then we shake hands with the Sunderland players.

After we shake hands we take a starting XI picture, Leah does the coin toss, then we do our team huddle before we head onto the field.

"Best behavior you two." I warn again as I look at my girls.

Last time we played Sunderland I got fouled a lot.

"No promises Mama." Jasmine says. "No promises."

- - - - -

"Here I come said the rainbow fish." I read out of the children's book while Charlie, Ezra, and Sebastian Heath look at the book. "And, happy as a splash, he swam off to join his friends."

"More." Charlie says as she tries to fight off sleep.

"I think it's bedtime munchkin." Alex softly says as she, Tobin, and Christen grab their kids from my lap.

Once I am kidless, I watch the married throuple carry their kids to their respective bedrooms then my ladies and I start pouring wine for us and the Heath's so we can sip on it in the hot tub that the Heath's have on their balcony.

We beat Sunderland yesterday 5-0 and now we're hanging with the Heath's and relaxing in the hot tub.

I scored one goal yesterday and assisted two others.

"We didn't brink hot tub clothes." I say.

"Well we've all fucked and seen each other naked." I hear Christen say from behind me so Jasmine and I turn around and look at the Heath's. "We could just relax in the hot tub while naked."

Everyone nods then we grab our wine and head out to the balcony of the Heath apartment.

Once on the balcony I set my wine down on one of the outdoor tables then I undress.

"Mmmm." I hear my girlfriends say.

"Easy you two." Christen says.

"But Chrissy." Jasmine whines. "Scars so pretty."

"I know she is." Christen says as she, Alex, and Tobin slide into the hot tube. "But no fucking in the hot tub."

"Boo." Jasmine says.

"Come on Jazzy." I say as I climb into the hot tub. "I need my ladies next to me."

Rather quickly Leah and Jasmine join me and the Heath's in the hot tub.

"That's Better." I say as my ladies wrap an arm around me.

"Speaking of boobs." Alex says. "How are your titties Scar?"

I got elbowed a lot by Sunderland and it seemed like they were targeting my boobs specifically.

"They're good." I say. "I had a very nice massage last night from my favorite defenders."

"Naomi?" Tobin teases.

"No my Mommy and Daddy massaged them." I say with a big smile.

I don't really give a shit if my friends know what I call Jasmine and Leah in the bedroom.

"I bet they did more than just massage them." Christen says.

"You'd be right." Leah says.

"It was a good night." Jasmine says.

"It always is when you and Leah suck and fuck my titties." I say then I sip on my wine.

"Okay that's a sight I'd like to see." Tobin says.

"Well the three of us have a deal where if Leah and I score then we'll fuck in the locker room so maybe we could." Jasmine says.

"Ooh yeah." I say then I watch the Heath's have a silent conversation.

"I tell you what." Alex says as the Heath's look at Jasmine, Leah, and I. "If you or Leah score then we'll make that fantasy a reality."

"Deal." Jasmine, Leah, and I say. "Fucking deal."

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