Part 58

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Yuxin Pov

"Hey, what's wrong with your face?"I walk past Yixing and put my suitcase at the back of her car. She comes to pick me up before going to the beach village. I peek at her now and she is still talking with James. I sigh. Dang it, I need to separate them!

"Yixing, let's go! We will arrive late"

"Is it far from here, Yuxin?"It's James. Why does he ask that?

"It's a bit far, James"I got silent when Yixing answer it, instead of me.

"Are you going to be okay?"Ugh. See that! Both of them talking like no one present at this parking place. I take a peek at Liao who has some bruises on his face and arm. Well, both of us slap each other and just a few minutes after that we were seriously fighting. Damn, that half gender bitch!! He is always serious when punches me!

"Gosh, they've already gone overseas, James. It's her manager's duty!"

"Ah. He is right"I can see Yixing seriously holding on to her temper when James saying that awkwardly. I bet she wants to slap Liao now, inspected from her expression.

"Let's go. Until when you want to stay here! Our schedule is packed!"I and Liao fought, but we agreed to do our work to separate them. Although both of us are in 'not good' terms now. He doesn't even want to look at me.

"Yuxin, it's good if you stay like that. Knowing your schedule packed, preparing early!"I glared at James and he got surprised by it. I get in the car, same as Yixing.

"Mind your own business, James!! And don't think about girls at all! Being a widower isn't bad!"

"What is that?"James gives me confused face when I am saying that. Both of us close the car's door now and leave James apartment building.

"Why do you say that to James? He can decide everything on his own. And why do you need to say that when I'm around? Don't you think he'll be embarrassed by your words? Kids these days don't have manners at all. Even though both of you are close, you need to consider his pride too. Same with Liao. Ck Ck"

"Shut up. You make everything in the mess now!"I lean on one of my arms now. I catch a headache a bit as I can't predict they'll already call each other on another night before. Darn it! How far is their relationship now? I'm too careless. Yibo shakes off my concentration too.

"Me? What's my fault?!"Yixing's voice get higher at the end. She still driving now.

"Have another target, Yixing!! Why does it need to be James?"

"Huh? Why did we suddenly talk about this? I'm your manager and you always go to James's place, it's normal I got to meet him too"I grind my teeth. Then, why do both of you need to call each othet at night?

"Why did you call James the night before? You always call him? For what? My relationship with James is outside my jobs. The normal things is, you don't need to call him because of me. You have fishy motives here"I can see her sigh.

"Both of you pay attention until that tiny detail?! James must really stressed with it"

"Mind your own business! I wouldn't be chatty towards you if you saw another man!"She sighed again. Well, I don't care. I don't want James with her. Not just me, but maybe all James friends wouldn't want it.

"Hhh. I called him last night to be ready if your shooting ended, Stupid! As maybe I have another meeting with your management and brand team too. I can't drive you home"Huh? So, they don't flirt to each other?

"Eh, I thought both of you have already taken a next step"

"What is that? Next step? In a romantic way?"Of course. I exclaimed alone.

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