Chapter XVIII

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Mr. Martin disgustingly bumped his fist onto the desk. He was incharge of the investigation department since Nishi's case. And in this supervision, another victim is killed. Such as shame for his name and reputation!

While on the other hand, Ishika was watching the same news and cursing the killer. Expressions on Anaya's face were equal to the number of gas particles in vacuum, i.e null.

The news reporter further adds, 'The body was found in a basement of an old abonded house after 8 days from murder on 13th. The body was sent for forensic research and it was found that the person who's name is Vinod was killed on 15 July. We got to know from our resources that Vinod used to work as a cleaner in a cafe shop. '

Ayaan entered into their apartment shocked, "Did you see the news? Isn't he the same guy that we met on our double coffee date on 14th? The one who's hand slipped and the coffee felt on Parth's pant?"
"Yes he is." Parth answered equally astonished. "I wonder why would anyone kill him? Did he have a loan on his head which he took from goons or did he fall in love with a rich and pretty girl who's brother killed him?"
"Or maybe someone killed him for self satisfaction or maybe due to some little inconvenience that he caused" Anaya added in a monotonous voice. Three heads turned towards her in utter astonishment.
"Okayy... sorry! I was writing this chapter of my novel before this news broke out, and I guess my mind is still there."
"I knew you were heartless Ana but you are so inconsiderate. Someone's dead there!" Ishika was on the verge of crying. How did she become a lawyer? Doesn't she cries during arguments too?
"I pray that his soul rest in peace."

Amidst their discussion, someone rang the bell. It was Mr. Martin. But what is he now here for? Anaya and Ishika were proven innocent in Nishi's murder case. Did they get any new evidences that state them as murderers? To give an answer to all the question marks that were visible on the faces of all four, Mr. Martin said "I'm not here for Nishi's murder case this time."
This resulted in more question marks. So he added "I'm here for Vinod's murder case." What? Why here? How is any of the four related to Vinod? "Ms. Anaya, I found your earing near to his body. Want to have a look? See." He showed the earing that was inside a plastic polythene. "How can you be so sure that this earing belong to Anaya? There are many people who wear such type of earing." Parth said in Anaya's defence. "But not every earing of this type have DNA that matches Anaya's. We found molecular level skin of Anaya on earing pin. We matched it with Anaya's and Ishika's DNA that we collected during Nishi's murder case and bingo! It matched with Anaya." So Anaya and Ishika were still held accountable for murders after Nishi's case. And they will be under Mr. Martin's supervision until he finds out the real culprit.

"But this earing belongs to me." Ishika added.
"Yes. I bought it for her myself." Parth said supporting Ishika.
"So you are saying that we should consider you both as a threat to society?" Mr. Martin asked amused.
"No sir. I'm saying that you cannot blame her for murdering Vinod when other possibilities lies open." Quality of a lawyer was visible in Ishika.
But even Mr. Martin knew some law, so he added "I'm not blaming her. I just want her to accompany us for investigation."
"The news says that he was killed on 15th, right?" Ishika further argued.
"Can you please provide us the timings between which he was killed?"
"Nearly 8 o'clock at night."
"She was with me." Ayaan said lowly. "On 15 July from 7 to 10 she was with me. We were discussing the new order in my office." Ayaan's voice changed from low to firm.
"And Ayaan have a CCTV in his office, right Ayaan?" The lawyer argued. "We have proof of her being innocent."
"And I have proofs to hold her guilty."
Meanwhile, Anaya who stood in shock silently came into her senses and said "I lost this earing on 14th. Maybe it fell down in the cafe and later he picked it up." Anaya said half terrified and half confidently.

"Mr. Martin! SHE WAS WITH ME." Ayaan's voice was resolute and commanding. His eyes became darker and he looked directly at Mr. Martin. Throughout this whole scene, he didn't left Anaya's hand even for a second; that's the reason Anaya was still standing on her feet.

Mr. Martin left without arguing further. And sooner after he left, Ayaan left too. Ayaan went to his house and straight towards the bathroom for a hot shower. He looked disturbed. Tension in his body could be sensed clearly. He thought I don't like it when anyone pester Lily. I guess I need to murder every existing person for her, if this means that no one can every make her sad or frightened again. I-  he stopped this train of thoughts midway and boarded another one why am I feeling in such a way? I cannot think like this. I need to be rational rather than being emotional. There's no space for emotions in this game. I need to water the plant of Petunia in me- flower of anger and resentment. She isn't Lily, she's orange lily!

There is something more to this. A part of Ayaan which is unrevealed. Otherwise why would Mr. Martin obey Ayaan? Maybe because his father Viraj Sehgal held an influential position in the state. And what is the reasob behind such thoughts of Ayaan. Is he in love with Anaya or he hates her? Well, I guess you must have guessed it by now. And if your guess turned out right, then let me inform you that it's partial truth. There's more to come. Stay tuned!

Hey readers, though this chapter may not be that interesting, but the upcoming chapters are surely gonna be thrilling. Stay tuned amd show some love!

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