Chapter XXIV

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He turned again to walk away. Anaya saw his back going farther and farther from her. She was almost on the verge of a mental breakdown. How can she not? Afterall he was the first person she actually loved and had to have any romantic feelings about. She cracked the Great wall of China around her heart for him, only so that he can enter and break it all at once. She invested her treasured emotions into him only to get betrayed. A betrayal truly hurts. And one from the person we love? Absolutely. Do I really deserve this? What am I supposed to do? Cry over him? Fight to him? But how can fight with him when I've already lost my everything to him? He's the one controlling me now. He was controlling me from the start but I was dumb not to notice that. I hate him. Or no. I don't. Maybe. How can you hate a person who has your heart? I gave mine to him and lost the capacity to take it back. This organ of merodermal origin took away the purpose of her origin with it. Chances are high the gravity is getting stronger, only if it's possible, that is consequently leading her stomach to sink; her head feels heavy and her heart feels heavier. Tears run their way to her eyes only to blur her vision. Her head starts rolling. The lush green trees in the surrounding and the blue sky and the brown ground (just as brown as his eyes) starts spiraling. Anaya closes her eyes and fell on her knees. Holding up her head, she finally let her tears roll down her eyes.

Only then, Aunt Philips breezed into her vision. She recalls her first relationship, when Karan broke up with her and she was shattered. And she went to Aunt Philips to talk about this. She was like a mother to the orphans. Kind. Gentle. Sweet. Motherly. When Ishika or Anaya found it difficult to sleep any day, Aunt Philips would sing a lullaby to them. She used to advice the children their on various issues. She even used to bring handmade laddoos for them. Who cares this much that too for the ones who's own parents or relatives didn't care about? Aunt Philips! When Anaya went to her and explained the whole scenario to her, she said "Don't cry over the people who doesn't care about you." She wasn't angry or judgemental, but rather very soft and understanding.
"I loved him Aunt Philips.." Anaya was crying miserably after her first heartbreak (recreating a scene from kuch kuch hota hai... 'mera pehla pyaar adhura reh gya')
"Does he deserves your love?"
She slightly nodded her head in disagreement. "No."
"Here. You have your answer. Baccha, this world isn't all sweet and lovely. Many people come into your life just to test you. They prepare you for the world ahead. Just like that idiotic Karan. Maybe your future holds something for you, where you might need this lesson. Every happens for a reason."
"But why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong?"
"Maybe to make you stronger. You didn't do anything wrong but maybe you need this lesson. You need to choose between the people whom you have to trust and whom not to, who deserves your love and who doesn't. This world is a place of constant fights. You have to fight even for basic rights. I repeat don't cry over those who don't care about you. You are a fighter and not a weeper."

Anaya opened up her eyes. Though that time she realised that she didn't actually loved Karan and it was just a mere play of hormones taking up her senses. But now she was clear that she loved Ayaan.. oops Ahaan, her actual first love interest. So this was going to be difficult obviously. She gathered some courage and stood up I'm a fighter, not a weeper. I'm a fighter, not a weeper. I'm a fighter, not a weeper. I'm already trained for this. And I need answer to my questions. He cannot leave like this.

Anaya ran behind him and sped up her speed. She cannot let him go. He was still standing near his car, holding his phone in his hand, looking at a picture of him and Ayaan. His face frowned. Anaya came near him and yanked his hand. She pushed him and then pushed again until he bashed against his car.
"You can't leave like this. You need to answer me. What the hell is going on your mind? I'm not a girl who'll cry over you. Life, on each stage, has taught me fight. So you better fight with me instead of running away like a coward."
"Looks like you already recovered from the pain I gave you. So was it all fake?"
"An emotional less person like you would never understand that. My feelings won't fit into your pea sized brain."
"So taunts took the place of cries. I knew you don't feel human emotions. You can never feel them."
"Look who's even talking about human emotions." She waved her hand in the air and then pointed her index finger to him and said "I know you don't understand the human emotions, but do you understand human language?"
A scowl on Ahaan's face. She continued, "if you do then answer my questions."

Ahaan looked her with narrow eyes pinning her. Took her hand of his arm and held her neck from behind and pelled her face closer to his. They were close. Too close. They could feel each other's breath. They took the familiar smell of oceanic perfume oil and woody cologne of each other for a moment. Eyes looking into each other with so much intensity that fire could literally spark between them.

Then he said "I don't feel that you are worthy enough to answer your questions. You don't deserve any explanation. "
"You are not the one to decide my worth."
"I am." He slowly released Anaya's head and she took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You do understand that you achieve nothing from this bullshit, don't you? "
"I achieve a lot more than you think, Lily." Lily, he said again, but the tone was different. He said that name mockingly. He knew that it would weaken Anaya's play. And it did. But Anaya refused to show it anymore to him.
"And what is it Mr. Sehgal? Oh sorry, Mr. ?"
"Arora. And I achieve satisfaction. Seeing you in such a miserable condition satisfies me."

They stood there in silence for a while. The tension between them was increasing. The air around them was getting denser. It was becoming difficult to stand there. A tingle of electricity passed through her body. So Anaya finally spoke "Don't test my patience Ahaan. You haven't seen my wrath yet."
"So you would kill me too?"
"I haven't killed ANYONE."
"Just end you nonsense denial mode. I know and I have proves. Okay let's end this for once and for all."

He went two steps ahead, grabbed Anaya's wrist painfully.
"What are you doing? Leave my hand." She shouted.
"You wanted answers right? Come with me." He said in a low tone.
"Where are we going?" Her voice was breaking sharply while she was struggling to get her hand free but all in vain.
"To give you the proves."

Few or more minutes later, the were in the jail. A tall, dark and bald man was standing inside the jail. Ahaan pushed Anaya near the cell. "Do you know him?"
She studied the man for a minute. From his shoes to his shirt and his face and hair and his hands and the tattoo... ohh the ugly tattoo of a skull on his right hand. "Yes" she replied horrified. Her eyes widened with shock.
"Don't be so shocked. I said about an hour ago that your partner is in jail."
"My partner?"
"You know what he did?" He raised an eyebrow. He already knew that she knew what he did. And she knew that he knew, the only thing was he knew the partial truth.
"He was the one who shot Ayaan."
"Bravo! So you agreed that with his help, you killed Ayaan."
"I never said that."
"But he did. He accepted that he shot him on your orders. He also murdered the other four on your orders."

Hey readers! I really wanted to continue this chapter further & didn't want to break the link. But I guess this is one of the longest chapter I've written. So I'll double update today! Go and read the next chapter.

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